Steve Nash Is Qualified for Brooklyn Nets Job: Unchecked

Based on recent NBA history, Steve Nash is qualified for the Brooklyn Nets coaching job.

Considering recent NBA history, Steve Nash is qualified for the Brooklyn Nets job. 

First of all, because he’s two time MVP Steve Nash, and great players tend to get a chance at coaching gigs when they are interested, even without prior experience—see Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Isiah Thomas, and Jason Kidd. 

Also, it isn’t a new concept for a winning guard considered a smart player to get a crack right away as well, the likes of Mark Jackson and Derek Fisher would fall into that category, as would two of the best coaches in the NBA today, Doc Rivers and Steve Kerr. 

Then there’s the fact that the last three NBA championship franchises have been helmed by first-year coaches, though aside from Kerr they had risen up the ranks, with the other two being current Coach of the Year Nick Nurse and the supremely underrated and likely next Philadelphia 76ers coach Tyronn Lue.

Finally, there are his connections within the team itself. Brooklyn GM Sean Marks was a teammate of his with the Phoenix Suns. Marks has first-hand experience when it comes to Nash’s temperament, pedigree, and role in helping usher in the way the modern game is played.

And in a star-driven league, there’s no way he got the job without the approval of both Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant, the latter he reportedly bonded with during his time as a consultant in Golden State.

So overall, I was surprised by the Nash hire and have no idea how it will turn out, but precedent shows it isn’t exactly crazy and may even be inspired.