10 More Great Twitter Follows To Stay On Top Of The Sports Tech Space

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Last month we featured 22 great Twitter personalities to follow in sports tech, and received great feedback and recommendations for more. So we wanted to list 10 more handles that provide insightful original sports tech content. This list, by no means exhaustive, is just meant to hit the different trending fields within our niche subject matter across a diverse smattering of people and affiliations. We hope to put out a list of people to follow on a consistent basis, so if you have suggestions or want to be featured, let us know!

And as always, we will continue the comprehensive sports tech coverage over at @SportTechie.

Joey Arrendondo – @joeyarrendondojr – Social media and marketing based content.

Melissa Davies – @melidavies – Explores social media analytics in sports.

Taria Ahmad – @tariq_ahmad – Incorporates product placement strategies while live-tweeting major sporting events.

Charlie Ramage – @ramagecharlie – Tweets on finance and economics in football.

Tara Magdalinski – @drtaram – A Sports Studies lecturer at UCD, Tara delivers great content on European sports such as soccer.

Talia Retelny – @retelny – A product manager at Red Bull who is all over Twitter analytics and women in sport.

Clement Moracin – @clementmoracin – Cofounder of the social network platform, Swelly_eu, and posts European sports jobs as well as talking about sports tech in rugby and other European sports.

Igor Mladenovic – @mladenovic – Sports business analyst tweeting about industry trends in horse-racing, soccer and the Olympics.

Lachlan Penfold – @lachlanpenfold – Sports performance expert who talks about ways to measure and analyze the industry.

Katrina Ramos – @krsramos – Devoted to in stadium technology and the apps in that space.