360Fly Is Looking To Change Action Sports Video Footage


Our video loving society has gone from black and white videos to colored videos to high definition videos and now we have the technology to take a 360-degree video and capture images in all directions.

360fly, an up and coming camera company that was started in a robotics lab at Carnegie Melon University, has released a POV camera that includes 360-degree video technology. This opens users up to a whole new world of image and video capturing as there really is no wall anymore and users no longer have to look through the viewfinder while filming in 360 degrees.

Jeff Tremaine, who is a director and producer of the TV shows Nitro Circus and Jackass, is a huge fan of the 360fly. He revealed that he has already been playing around with it and went on to say, “With a lot of the stuff I shoot, there really is no wall, and to be able to see all the funny [stuff] that is going on behind the camera is pretty awesome. It really opens a whole new world.”

360fly is now making a push in the action sports market which seems like a very good idea considering the potential a 360-degree camera has in filming such sports. They first recruited BMX and flatland icon star Terry Adams, and freestyle skier Simon Dupont, and last month, announced the signing of Carissa Moore, a WSL Women’s World Tour Champion and a Surfer’s Hall of Fame Inductee.

Moore was blown away by the camera’s capabilities and was excited about what this could mean for viewers of her videos. “Viewers will be able to look down the barrel or back at me, and essentially could watch the same video 100 times and have a different experience each time,” she said in a Transworld Business article.

Besides releasing the world’s first 360-degree lens for the iPhone, 360fly has also launched the world’s first 360-degree video sharing service, GoPano.com. While they are really focusing on the action sports industry, the product and technology has the potential to enter in to all sports and many different markets.

A Q&A with 360fly’s brand’s Marketing Manager, Sean Scabilloni revealed that they are striving to give users the chance to create engaging, immersive content that could change the world of story-telling, content creation and VR headsets. Athletes, coaches, businesses, and fans should be able to use the product, which is set to release this spring with a retail price of $499, in many different ways to capture a new type of video footage.