As Data Takes Over The Sports World, It Takes Genius To Uphold Integrity

As the universal world of sport remains a major source of entertainment around the globe, it is easy to overlook the fact that this “entertainment” includes revenue obtained by wagering one’s own money on the outcome of these events. While sports betting is yet to be legalized in the United States outside the state of Nevada, it is imperative that those with significant sporting information are aware of the consequences that could transpire in a global gambling atmosphere. Using keen knowledge of how sports betting can be used for one’s personal benefit, it takes a resilient organization to stand up for the veracity of what they believe to be right, and for the good of such a popular epidemic. With a collection of intelligence and dependable staff, as well as the protection of valued sports information, SportIM, a product of Genius Sports, is making itself known around the globe.

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Genius Sports has become one of the fastest growing sports technology companies in the world (it currently has 750 staff in 10 locations worldwide), and has developed itself as a global leader in sports data technology, distribution, as well as commercialization services.

Formed in March 2016, Genius Sports is a combination of SportingPulse, Betgenius and SportIM.  SportIM (Sport Integrity Monitor) provides its clients with a range of services that helps governing bodies in sports manage not only instances of manipulation, but also provides effective measures and preventative tactics of corruption.

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As Director of Operations, Genius Sports, Ben Turner discusses why he is so passionate about keeping the integrity of sports at the forefront of the company. “At SportIM, our goal is to build products that grow platforms and create new ways of sports. Our central product that we use is called our ‘datawarehouse’ and allows us to distribute data to a variety of places (different markets, media sources, etc.), all from this warehouse of information,” Turner explains.

“We at SportIM know we must always come from the principles of sport as a whole. We believe in the institution that sports is, and work to create new ways to distribute sports the right way.”

SportIM helps its clients around the globe to protect and safeguard sports from potential irregularities in different markets. Looking at the company from an educational standpoint, SportIM uses a combination of consulting methods and advice on integrity and match fixing, as well as tailored training programs for athletes, league officials and referees to diminish the likelihood of participant corruption. On the technical side, SportIM uses its Integrity Monitoring system that provides a complex algorithm, keeping track on all betting markets both regulated and unregulated. 

“What truly makes us different is our commitment to sport, and how passionate we are about the success and growth of sport worldwide,” states Chris Dougan, Managing Director of US operations for SportIM.

“Our job is to make sure the fans are always treated to a fair and transparent game. We provide the tools to help maintain a clear and even playing field at all times, and to safeguard the integrity of these sporting events.”

Amidst working with organizations such as The English Premier League, The English Football Association, both the Euro and British Basketballs Leagues, as well Major League Baseball, Genius Sports has also recently announced an extended partnership with FIBA through the year 2019. This extended partnership will allow Genius Sports the ability to collect data from more than 35,000 games across Europe, as well as the ability to distribute live data to betting and media markets from more than 2,000 official FIBA events through 2017.

From left to right: FIBA Secretary General and International Olympic Committee (IOC) Member, Patrick Baumann; International Basketball Foundation President and Honorary FIBA President, Yvan Mainini; Genius Sports Chief Commercial Officer Nick Maywald.
From left to right: FIBA Secretary General and International Olympic Committee (IOC) Member, Patrick Baumann; International Basketball Foundation President and Honorary FIBA President, Yvan Mainini; Genius Sports Chief Commercial Officer Nick Maywald.

“We are developing global footprints,” states Dougen. “It’s about educating sports owners and sports governing bodies that it’s in their best interest to become an official partner, to manage and commercialize the data in a clean, honest and regulated manner.”

With this extended partnership, SportIM and Genius Sports will continue to safeguard the integrity of sporting information, and provide reliability for sports betting across the globe.