Athletes Look To Reduce Injuries With Use Of Privit

startup-seriesNew technology from startup ventures is transforming the global sports industry. This Startup Series has introduced over 300 startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience by allowing Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story and pitch their idea. Feel free to submit your startup’s answers to the below questions or contact us if you know of a startup that should be considered for inclusion in this series.

This series is supported by Stadia Ventures. If you are a sports technology startup looking for strategic investors, we recommend checking out their upcoming accelerator programs

Company name: Privit

Founder(s): Chris Goodwin

Headquarters: London, Ontario


1. What is your elevator pitch?

PRIVIT is led by a diverse and experienced set of globally-focused executives dedicated to improving the quality of your personal health history through its PRIVIT® Products that standardize the way you share your personal health information. PRIVIT is dedicated to reducing injury and concussions among athletes by providing education and a platform to document all necessary information in order to prevent future incidents or injury.

2. Problem & Solution

The problem PRIVIT solves is the lack of consistency, ease, and ability to collect, manage and distribute necessary health information for students and athletes. This application provides a solution for coaches, players, parents, teachers, administrators, athletic trainers etc. to have all necessary health and injury information in one place for their players and students.

3. Market – your target market and the overall market

Privit's target market is nationwide in the U.S. and Canada targeting high schools, school boards, youth sports organizations and high school sports associations. The target is large as it also includes collegiate sporting organizations, schools as well as minor professional organizations.

4. Business Model – how do you make money?

Revenue is created from users of the application and the software which is paid for by a per user or a per organization basis.

5. Management Team – with titles

Chris Goodwin- Founding Partner, CEO & Chairman
Gregory Miller- Strategic Consultant
Michael Eldredge- VP Technology
Kristin Fornal- VP Marketing
Russell Goodwin- Director of Operations, Canada
Carmen Griffin- Director of Operations, US

6. Financial Needs: are you currently looking for investment? Have you raised investment already? If so, who are your investors?

The financial and investment information is proprietary and protected and not for release to the general public.