Blast Motion, BodiTrak Sports Partner On New BodiTrak Dash Analytics App

Blast Motion and BodiTrak Sports announced their partnership Tuesday on developing the new mobile coaching app, BodiTrak Dash. The app combines Blast Motion’s Blast Connect coaching technology with BodiTrak’s mat sensors to provide users with a more comprehensive analysis of body and swing mechanics.

The Dash app essentially unites BodiTrak’s mat-based pressure metrics with Blast Connect’s full-scale video, coaching and voiceover technology, providing athletes and coaches the chance to gain a better understanding of a golf or baseball swing, as well as more basic physical assessments. The combination of all three tech-based tools gives users access to ground-force, pressure and video analysis in one place.

Alone, BodiTrak mats monitor interaction with the ground. The mats provide feedback about where pressure and force is being applied during specific motions. In a golf swing, coaches and athletes can see exactly what percentage of pressure is being applied on each leg throughout the entire swing. BodiTrak also collects data on the percentage of pressure and force applied on the heels and balls of the user’s feet.

Blast Connect is a coaching and training software platform that can provide videos, drill assignment, competition management, scheduling, training history and training metrics. The coaching platform allows users to assess body, club or bat alignment via video, voiceovers and markup tools.

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The BodiTrak Dash app records high-speed, HD video, which is then automatically uploaded along with all of the data to the app’s dashboard. The app then pairs the data collected by BodiTrak mats in real-time for a more overarching picture of a swing.

Dash’s video scrubber allows coaches to watch video playbacks in real-time. Coaches can then overlay the video with drawings and voiceovers. The videos can then be uploaded and saved to the BodiTrak dashboard on Blast Connect. The combination of the Dash app along with the BodiTrak mat and Blast Connect dashboard produce a more complete “cause-and-effect” analysis then they can as standalone products.

BodiTrak Sports and Blast Connect’s partnership will be on display at the PGA Merchandise show starting Jan. 24 in Orlando.