Blast Motion, USSSA Form Partnership On Sensor-Based Player Development

Blast Motion and the United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) have partnered to deliver sensor-based player development and in-game swing metrics using Blast Baseball 360 and Blast Connect.

The Blast sensor will help provide coaches with real-time swing analysis during practice and capture in-game swing metrics. It will provide access to an athlete’s swing history, enabling advanced postgame comparisons, coaching analysis, training and feedback.

“With over 4.5 million participants across 14 sports, we have a great opportunity to help improve player performance and to showcase young talent,” USSSA Chairman of the Board and CEO Don DeDonatis said in a statement. “The Blast technology gives our coaches advanced swing analysis insights using objective, sensor-based data. We want to let our athletes know where they stand and what they need to do to get to the next level of player development, while competing and having fun.”

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The Blast sensor and mobile app have been specially designed to combine video and metrics driven swing analysis, allowing players of all ages and skillsets to understand and improve their swing mechanics.

The waterproof sensor and bat attachment slip over the knob of any standard baseball or softball bat, allowing it to be used on or off the field.

The app uses a smartphone camera to capture video while the Blast Baseball 360 app analyzes, combines and syncs swing metrics with the video to deliver real-time, mobile video analysis. The app automatically detects a player’s swing and clips the video to create a series of video highlights.

“USSSA has taken a leadership role in creating an environment that mentors and showcases some of the best baseball and softball players from across the country,” Blast Motion CEO Michael Fitzpatrick said in a statement. “This partnership allows us to provide  the same level of professional grade swing metrics used by MLB to the next generation of players, while providing USSSA with a powerful suite of academy management services through Blast Connect. Our goal is to help athletes enjoy the game more, improve faster, and avoid injury.”