Buffalo Bills to Use VITEC’s High Definition Video Streaming Service

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ralph-wilson-stadium vitec wifi technology nfl

The Buffalo Bills have decided to team up with VITEC and use its powerful digital video service for over 920 high definition digital television displays throughout Ralph Wilson Stadium. The move to implement the video streaming service came in an ongoing $130 million dollar effort to renovate the stadium.

Monitors around the stadium will be able to stream VITEC’s IPTV video system made out of encoding and streaming platforms, MGW1100 and the EZ TV. The MGW1100 streaming program is capable of delivering low latency video to the monitors as well as large video walls throughout the stadium. EZ TV will be used as the main managing program to control volume, central channel, and power controls.

In VITEC’s press release, Vice President of Sales, Michael Chorpash, believes that by using their streaming services, fans and owners will be satisfied with the product.

“Streaming video across these venues provides fans with much better video quality and viewing options than legacy systems. IT departments and owners see advantages for fans to attend and view promotions through Point of Information and Point of Sales displays.”

The Buffalo Bills are not the only organization seeking VITEC and their streaming services. New and renovated stadiums across the world also use VITEC and their video product, leading VITEC to become the “go-to” company for innovative high definition digital video streaming.