Chat Sports Embraces SnapChat With Ticket Giveaway Contest



Last week, Chat Sports became the first sports media company to embrace Snapchat for a ticket giveaway contest. For the chance to win free tickets to a game, fans had to get 5 friends to add Chat Sports  and have these 5 friends send a unique snap with the fan’s usersname and #gimmietickets.

For those who don’t know, Snapchat is an app that allows users to snap a photo or video to send to a friend that disappears within moments after being viewed (hence the ghost logo). The idea is to share quick authentic moments with friends.

Chat Sports saw an opportunity to connect with their college demographic with Snapchats’ high adoption rate.  Also, since Snapchat creates a personal and unique interaction with individuals, Chat Sports wanted to create a stronger brand connection with individuals.

Chat Sports received 150 responses within 48hours of posting the contest. Out of the 150, a University of Missouri student, Andrew Echele was chosen. Andrew, a big St. Louis Cardinals fan, was chosen as the winner because he was the first person to have 5 of his friends add Chat Sports on Snapchat and also have those 5 send a snap with his username and #gimmietickets written out. He was given tickets to this Sunday night’s MLB game of the week, St. Louis Cardinals vs Texas Rangers.


Here is a brief interview with winner Andrew Echele and his response to the contest.

How did you find out about the Chat Sports Snapchat ticket give away?

I was on the Chat Sports website reading up on my Rams updates and saw the link that said to follow Chat Sports on Snapchat.  My friends and I use Snapchat all the time so I was interested to see how Chat Sports would use this app.

How often do you Snapchat? Have you seen of or participated in any other Snapchat promotions?

My friends and I use Snapchat a lot for random funny things we see or just when we are bored.  I have never participated or even seen any other Snapchat promotions besides the Chat Sports ticket giveaway.

ChatSports-Snapchat-tix1What do you think about the Chat Sports? Do you like that they are using Snapchat?

I go on Chat Sports on a daily basis to catch up on my sports teams because it is so easy to use and it brings all of the articles for each team to one page.  I think Snapchat is an interesting marketing tool and have not seen it used before, but I think its a great idea!

How excited are you to win the tickets and how often do you get to attend St. Louis Cardinals games?

I was born and raised in St. Louis so just like everyone else here I was a Cardinals fan from the very beginning. I use company tickets a couple times a year and then get invited by friends to a few as well.  I would say last year I made it to 8-9 games including one playoff game.  I have only been to 1 this year so far so I am extremely pumped that I won these tickets for Sunday night!

Given the success of this first contest, Chat Sports plans on doing these giveaways a couple times a month in the future on Snapchat. Snapchat is an easy tool to use for marketing initiatives and Chat Sports is one of the first to take advantage of it. So if you are on Snapchat, follow Chat Sports for your chance to win some free tickets and connect to a sports brand.

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