Corner’s Wearable Sensor Devices Help Boxers Track, Measure Every Punch

startup-seriesNew technology from startup ventures is transforming the global sports industry. The mission of this series is to introduce startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience and allow Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story and pitch their idea. Feel free to submit your startup’s answers to the below questions or contact us if you know of a startup that should be considered for inclusion in this series.

Company Name: Athletec Ltd

CEO: Charles Burr

Co-Founders: Charles Burr/Jerry Krylov/Dr. Ravi Vaidyanathan

1. What is your elevator pitch?

Corner is the first complete wearable performance tracker for boxing, providing real-time performance analysis during training. With two small sensors slipping into a boxer’s hand-wraps, every punch is tracked and measured with data shown live on a phone app or alternative Bluetooth enabled devices. You can seamlessly add technology into your training with Corner.

2. Problem & Solution

How do fighters and coaches currently quantify a training session? High-level performance analysis is only available to professional athletes or Olympians who are training at elite-level facilities and even then training feedback isn’t instant. All elite facilities employ a team of sports analysts, who spend time analyzing post-training footage.

With this is mind, we developed the solution. Corner is a pair of wearable devices which track and measures a boxers performance within boxing training. Corners combination of unobtrusive wearable technology and IoT implementation makes it possible to provide real-time performance analysis suitable for elite athletes, yet accessible to every athlete and coach striving for improved performance.

3. Market — your target market and the overall market 

Corner is designed to be simple, user-friendly and to seamlessly fit into boxing training. Whether you are a professional boxer or coach looking for elite performance analysis, or an amateur boxer looking to invest in your future success or a hobbyist using boxing training for fitness. Corner accommodates for your individual requirements and is a platform for you to use to make targeted improvements in training.

4. Business Model — how do you make money? 

Corner is a hardware device and supported by a free mobile application. The first batch of Corner boxing trackers is available to reserve online at an early bird price of £49.99 (roughly $62), with payment taken upon delivery in February 2017.

5. Management Team — with titles 

Charles Burr — CEO

Jerry Krylov — CDO

Dr. Ravi Vaidyanathan — Research Director

6. What else do you want the audience to know about your venture?

We have been testing Corner prototypes with many boxers, from top world amateurs to rising professionals to world champions to Olympians; receiving extensive feedback to improve and develop Corner even further.

As the round goes on rather than my stats and my output and my work rate dipping, I want to increase it. So having something like Corner is very beneficial.” — Joshua Buatsi, Rio 2016 Bronze Medalist

Heading into 2017, we can’t wait for boxers of all levels to train with Corner and make targeted improvements every round. Be part of our journey and follow us on social media.

Facebook: @trainwithCorner; Twitter: @trainwithCorner; Instagram: @corner.hq