EON Realty Hosting First Annual Emerging Trends in Technology Seminar June 29th



Want to know what it feels like to be a quarterback with a linebacker breathing down your neck? Want to see the latest sports marketing tools and social media campaigns?  Want to see the new innovative way professional athletes are icing their bodies down?  Then this is the place to be.

EON Reality is hosting the first “Emerging Trends in Sports Technology” Seminar.  We will have world leading experts presenting about innovations in sports technology, training, marketing, rehabilitation, sponsorship, social media and advertising.

Come meet some of the most innovative minds in sports, and get a chance to experience some of the most cutting edge technology in the sports industry on Saturday, June 29 2013 at EON Reality, Inc.’s headquarters. All those interested in attending can register here. And for those unable to come out, one can join the conversation through following the @SportTechie handle and the hashtag, #ETTS.

The agenda to this event will be as follows:

9:00 am Enrollment/Check In Coffee/Donuts Provided

9:15 am- Cognisens Athletics CEO Jean Castonguay, and Chief Science Officer Dr. Jocelyn Faubert

10:00 am- SportTechie Editor-in-Chief Freddy Lopez

10:45 am- Dynamic Athletes  Chief of Science Patrick Moodie

11:30 am- Break

11:40 am – HyperIce CEO Anthony Katz

12:20 pm- EON Reality Sports Brendan Reilly

12:45 pm – Break

12:50 pm Break out session, Explore Cutting Edge Virtual Reality Technology

1:30 pm Wrap Up Q & A

The speaker biographies is as follows:

Freddy Lopez, Editor-in-Chief of SportTechie, made the trek from Los Angeles to Syracuse University and graduated with a degree in Sport Management in 2010. He’s a connoisseur of culture and a sports entrepreneur. While he isn’t a diehard fan of any one team, he maintains an objective viewpoint across all sports, loves to watch a well-played game, and follow the under-the-radar storylines, both teams and athletes. Beyond his work helping run this publication, he’s the personal Community Manager for John Wall at NCLUSIVE, Inc.

Jean Castonguay – Jean is a corporate attorney with more than 30 years’ experience in mergers and acquisitions, financing, licensing transactional matters and tax planning and corporate structures. Over the last fifteen years Jean has shared his time between corporate consulting and being a serial entrepreneur, holding senior management positions in start-up and growth companies spanning the life science, technology and manufacturing sectors. Jean currently runs his own consulting firm and is President and Chief Executive Officer of CogniSens Inc., a technology company specializing in neurobiological science and application technologies, training and measuring human performance. Having graduated from McGill University, Jean received a BComm Finance and International Business in 1979 and his BCL in Civil Law in 1982. In 1983, Jean was called to the Bar of the Province of Quebec, Canada and practiced law as head of the Corporate and Tax law department and Managing Partner of the Montreal law firm of Sproule Castonguay Pollack. Jean has been a regular lecturer at Concordia University and has extensive experience advising and lecturing entrepreneurs and corporate executives regarding various financial and management issues including growth through strategic and licensing alliances and capital relationships.

Dr. Jocelyn Faubert – Chief Science Officer  Jocelyn Faubert is a professor at the Université de Montréal and he holds the NSERC-Essilor Industrial Research Chair since 2003. He is professor at the School of Optometry and a member of the Biomedical Engineering institute and the Institute for Neurosciences Research.  Dr. Faubert has published over 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles and over 200 conference proceedings/abstracts on a large diversity of topics. He received the MRC-Scholar award in 1994 and the MRC-Scientist Award in 1999. Jocelyn Faubert earned his graduate degrees in psychophysics from Concordia University (Ph.D. 1991) and in 1991 he received an FCAR award to do postdoctoral work at Harvard University.  He has been a full professor at Université de Montréal since 1999. In 2006 he received the Distinguished Dr. Emerson Woodruff award from University of Waterloo and in 2009 received the Joe Bruneni award from the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry. He holds a number of US and international patents on a wide range of technologies related to eye function, brain function, virtual reality and human performance.  His works have been the subject of numerous television, radio and journal articles.  Dr. Faubert’s laboratory consists of 20-30 members that include people from many disciplines including Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, Kinesiology, Optometry and Biomedical Sciences.  He is a journal referee and editorial member of numerous journals and is member of many national and international grant and award committees.

Anthony Katz, Founder of HyperIce, a complete story of his technological ice compression breakthrough can be read here.

Patrick Moodie received his Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science with a focus in Kinesiology and a Master’s in Biomechanics from the University of Kansas. Since then, he has worked with Adidas and in Orthopedic Research at the University of Kansas Medical Center.

Patrick created the revolutionary process that removes the need for force plate technology in collecting kinetic data. Patrick drives the science and innovation that Dynamic Athletics uses to produce results that no one else can provide.

Brendan Reilly– CEO EON Reality Sports.  Brendan is a former college basketball Graduate Assistant turned entrepreneur. He was on staff with Coach Bill Self at the University of Kansas, and then as a Graduate Assistant for Tim Jankovich at Illinois State University.  It was while at Illinois State that Brendan sought more efficient ways to prepare athletes for competition and left coaching to pursue entrepreneurial ventures.  After a brief stint in the front office with the Kansas City Royals, Brendan joined the team at EON Reality to get an in depth understanding of Virtual Reality technologies, before starting the sports division.  Now Brendan is engaged with typical EON Reality business while driving his passion of helping coaches teach with cutting edge technology.