Fanpics App And Pre-Installed Cameras Capture Candid Fan Moments At Games


The infamous selfie just got bigger! Fanpics, is a newly launched free app that turns the camera on fans at sporting events. The Fanpics takes photos of every fan at the arena, multiple times per game. Then, users log onto the app and see their candid reactions and share their photos. Fanpics aims to get more fans involved and promote a memorable experience.

Fanpics was first launched for games at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, StubHub Center in Los Angeles, and at the Viejas Arena in San Diego. Fanpics pre-installs robotic camera units for the app at the locations. The camera units capture over a million pieces of content  of the entire stadium at each game.

Christine Pantoya, SVP mobile strategy at the National Basketball Asociation comments: “We are looking to put consumers in the centre, and they can then create their own personal experience.”

The app creates special memories for their fans and brings a new rush of adrenaline to the game. By downloading the app and selecting the game they are attending and their seat location fans are able to have images captured of themselves in the stands and share them via social media channels. Additionally, the Fanpics images of fans come with a description of the moment each image was taken during the game so fans know what their reaction was for each image.

“At their core, sports, concerts and live events all deliver the same value – unique, emotional experiences,” said Marco Correia, co-founder of Fanpics.  “Fanpics is capturing those moments for every fan, letting them tell their own story in a more personalized, authentic way.”