Fusionetics Was Created For Enhancing Performance Of Elite Athletes But Helps Anyone Who Moves


Founded in the early 2000’s, Fusionetics is a human performance based company that integrates complex science into a simple system used to enhance human movement. By combining sports science, clinical applications, and cutting edge technology, Fusionetics is able to focus on providing a platform that helps athletes decrease injury, optimize performance, and enhance recovery.

Founded by Dr. Micheal A. Clark, one of the nation’s top experts in human movement science, Fusionetics was a result of a decade worth of clinical and trial research done by scientists, coaches, athletes, sports medicine professionals and other leaders.

The Fusionetics Human Performance system is for everybody. We created the system with elite athletes, but we are able to use the system with youth athletes, military personnel, so we can cover the gamut; The human body functions as an integrated unit, whether you’re 8 years old or 88 years old and the Fusionetics system can help you whatever your goal is”. – Founder Dr. Micheal A. Clark

Self-described as something “more robust and comprehensive than anything you would see in a clinic,” Fusionetics is currently the most used human performance-based platform by professional and collegiate sports team around the United States.

Some of the big names are:
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Fusionetic’s platform in a nutshell

  1. Consulting for Sports Organizations

The big idea behind Fusionetics is that it excels in team, and multiplayer environments. Fusionetics doesn’t just provide a fitness platform, but also delivers proper consulting for sports organizations that are seeking assistance for their athletic care and player development systems.

  1. On-site staff training and development

Partnering with Fusionetics means receiving on-site staff training and development from the Fusionetics team. It is exceptional in the fact that the testing, analytics, and programming all come in one package.

  1. New App and Personalization

Fusionetics is now available in the apple store for both iOS and Android. Though it is not available to the public just yet, you can request a trial at their site here: http://fusionetics.com/request-demo/

What success has Fusionetics seen with pro sports teams?

The Phoenix Suns are a notable team that heavily uses the Fusionetics platform.

“It has helped everybody. We had an 18 year old draft pick this year (Devin Booker) and we’ve had players as old as Grant Hill and Steve Nash all experience the system,” said Aaron Nelson, Head Athletic Trainer for the Phoenix Suns.

“The nice thing about Fusionetics is that it doesn’t discriminate, whether you’re young or old. Foam-rolls, therapy, addressing tight areas, joint restrictions…Put them in the weight-room and they’ll get to experience all these corrective exercises. Sometimes they might not come in and instead pull up their iphone or ipad and they can do a little extra on their own like foam rolling or stretching. They don’t have to spend 2-3 hours figuring out what they should do. There is complete individuality as well.”

Fusionetics provides athletes with a comprehensive package. As an athlete, you get a program, you follow the program, and from that you encounter the injury prevention piece, the perform piece, as well as the recovery piece. If you’re moving well, you’ll perform well, and if you perform well you’ll recover faster.

In addition, fitness programs  – whether that is for professional athletes or for the public – are constantly trying to find new ways to improve. Fusionetics has been recognized by many big sports franchises, but how does it fair among the common folk? How can Fusionetics up its game in order to compete with similar programs in the market?

“I believe Fusionetics has all of it,” answers Nelson. “No question in my mind that the biggest thing that needs to be addressed in athletics is movement. Sports science is developing in the analytics area…There’s a lot of stuff going on — new technology, new start-ups. I think clinicians are always worried about what can you do better and what can you do next which is good because you should always want to be the forerunner in technology. However, don’t regress from what keeps them on the floor, which is movement. This applies to non-professional athletes as well, which is why we’re so applicable to many people.”

My Experience With It

I was privileged enough to be able to warrant a Fusionetics trial with the help of senior practitioner Tony Ambler-Wright. In my specific case, I tore my ACL in the fall while playing a game of 5v5 basketball. The road to recovery has been very tough, but after utilizing the Fusionetics platform I can say that it will be a very challenging, but rewarding journey.

The app itself is very complete in the fact that it encompasses the entire gamut of things needed for one’s recovery. There are easy to view videos that come with the exercises in addition to descriptions on how to perform such exercises.

After I was placed on a program for knee recovery, I was put through static stretching, foam rolling, and muscle movement, in addition to several other exercises that targeted all parts of the knee.

Overall, Fusionetics is one of the leading programs for people looking to improve their physical attributes. Even though the program itself is made for professional athletes, do look out for its release to the public some time in 2016 as it has many consumer level applications.