Since we last covered Gametime, an app that allows fans to purchase last minute tickets without needing to print, a lot of updates have been made to make it even more convenient and accessible to users.
How Gametime works is that fans choose the market they are in and get to see active events chronologically starting with the nearest upcoming dates. They can even see photos of events from where their seats will be. Fans are able to sort by lowest price, largest discount, or best seats in the house. They simply tap the seat they want, and then tap again on the checkout screen to have the seats delivered. Using Apple Pay or a card on file to pay, tickets are then delivered to their phone in a matter of seconds.
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Gametime allows fans to buy tickets (some fans can even buy via Venmo now) for MLB, NFL, NCAA, NBA, NHL, and MLS games. While before, the app was used in 60 venues in 22 cities across the country; it has now expanded to 48 markets across the U.S. and Canada. Recent launches include Las Vegas, Raleigh-Durham, Lexington, Montreal and Buffalo. There are over 500 teams in the app along with events like Wrestlemania, AMA Supercross, PGA Tour events.
Recently, Gametime was even used for Super Bowl 50 tickets.
“Super Bowl 50 turned out to be by far our biggest selling event ever, which is the norm for the average ticket reseller, but pleasantly surprised us as we had no forecasted expectations on performance for it. It was the first time having Super Bowl tickets in the app,” said Sean Pate, Head of Communications for Gametime.
The event was over 40% higher in gross sales than the Giants-Royals World Series for Gametime back in October of 2014.
“App views of Super Bowl were up 300% on Sat and Sunday from the running average indicating that even the most expensive events have an audience amongst millennials,” said Pate.
Gametime has expanded beyond sports and launched music in early December with five pilot cities of San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle.
“We are continuing to rollout to new cities with music events and you can now find events in Washington DC, San Diego, Boston, Dallas and Las Vegas,” said Pate.
Currently, Gametime acts as a sales channel for third party sellers, ticket exchanges and some teams. In the near future, they plan to launch a consumer selling function that will allow everyday fans to upload their tickets to the app to be able to sell.