Google Launches Experimental Ad Campaign To Drive Fans To NHL GameCenter Live


Imagine being on the computer and seeing an ad pop up in the corner that is a video of an NHL play that happened only minutes ago, and it happens to be of your favorite team.

This is the goal of Rogers Communications Inc., who has teamed up with Google Inc. to launch an experimental advertising campaign to develop real-time NHL advertisements.

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The ads will be used to promote Rogers NHL GameCenter Live, which is a subscription service where fans can watch live hockey games on their phones, computers or tablets.

The target audience of GameCenter Live is those who don’t live in the region of the teams that they want to watch and therefore the game isn’t broadcasted on their TV.

The ad targeting will be online during NHL games, targeting Web users who are NHL fans based on online data activity tracking. rogersNHLGoogle-598x350

They will use the online activity and see which fans are online but not watching a game. They will also target those who are watching a game but looking at out-of-market team’s scores online.

When a goal happens, Rogers’ producers will cut clips of the goal and will push out the footage to the target market using Google’s DoubleClick network.

The ad will say, “see the goal you just missed” which will entice fans to click on the video and then be susceptible to the ad, which will urge them to buy GameCenter Live.

Using this real-time advertising will have sports fans fear that they are missing out on their favorite team’s plays. It seems to be a great marketing strategy to entice them to buy GameCenter Live. Any sports fan knows that checking the score on the computer is not as exciting as getting to see the action in real-time and so this ad strategy seems to have a likelihood of a decent conversion rate.

Look for the ads to be used for several games a week from now until the end of the year.\