Technology in the gym is constantly changing. Years ago, your treadmill had just a few buttons to control the speed and incline. Today, there are TV’s, iPhone plugs, and activity logs and data that can be connected to proprietary systems. One company that is following this trend is GymNext, with their app, Flex Timer.
Flex Timer is a mobile app that is used by athletes and trainers to easily partake in interval training. The app works as a remote control for large LED clocks so that instead of having to run back and forth between intervals, a press of a button on the app starts and stops the timer.
The app can control multiple clocks that can be linked together or run separately. As many clocks can be used at once in a gym, and one coach can control them all or they can be separated for different groups. They can be used in home gyms, athletic departments, garage gyms, school gyms, and other high-end facilities.
The user connects to the clock via Bluetooth and can choose multiple timer modes: standard, round, interval, training and EMOM (every minute on the minute). Each timer mode has more options so that it can be customized even further. Once it is configured, the user hits the ‘start’ button and the clock will give a period of time before the actual interval begins. At the beginning and end of each interval, the clock will make a loud buzzer indicating that the interval is about to end and that the next one is about to begin.
This app has benefits for both athletes and coaches. Coaches can use the different timer options to pre-plan the workout to most effectively structure their athletes. Then when they are in the gym, the coach is easily able to lead the group or individual through the training session from their phone, tablet, or smart watch instead of dealing with a remote.
“There’s no more headaches of dealing with cumbersome remotes that are better suited to VCRs or the need to constantly check a stopwatch or phone and call out the time remaining. The coach can finally stop acting as a timekeeper and focus all their attention on the athlete and do so without compromising on what interval structures they use,” said Duane Homick, founder of GymNext.
As for the athletes, they are able to see the time remaining and time elapsed on the large clock that can be seen from all over the gym. Before an app like Flex Timer was created, athletes would struggle with seeing how much time is completed or remains because the timer would be on a phone in the corner, or in the coach’s hand. Having large LED screens for athletes to see helps motivate them to keep going and know when to stop, which results in a better workout for everyone.
“It is so important for pacing and ensuring they will work hard right up until the end of the interval and not be laying on the ground sucking wind with time still remaining because they went out too hard. The buzzer helps segue the athlete between intervals letting them know when the next interval is about to start or the current interval is about to end,” said Homick.
The app also has heart rate monitor integration, so that a coach can track the athlete’s heart rate during personal training sessions.
Flex Timer has a public API so that it can be easily integrated into any fitness platform and isn’t locked into a single vendor. It is also available to be integrated into any future fitness technology that might not be created currently.
The clock isn’t just limited to interval training and workout routines. “We have used it as a shot clock in basketball, for football coaches running two minute drills or basketball coaches running end of game drills. We have even used it for tracking blinds in Texas Hold’em poker tournaments,” said Homick.
The Flex Timer is available for download on Apple and Android products.