Heartbit to Debut Wearable Electrocardiography System at CES 2019

Heartbit, a wearable three-lead ECG heart monitoring device that athletes can wear during training, will debut next week at CES 2019. The company envisions its heart monitoring product to be significant value to both athletes and the healthcare industry.

The device uses a custom algorithm to detect and provide warning signals about the heart’s stress level during warmup, activity, and recovery post-workout. Equipped with BOSCH sensors and using IBM Watson machine learning technology, Heartbit claims the device is capable of analyzing a user’s activity patterns to warn of possible arrhythmia, ischemia, and other hidden heart diseases which could lead to sudden cardiac arrest or stroke.

The ECG sensors are integrated into training T-shirts, with the measuring device attaching to the shirt at the bottom of the sternum. The Heartbit mobile app (available on both the Apple Store and Google Play) can track an individual’s workout history and offer personalized training plans based on cardiac status and desired goals.

According to the company’s website, Heartbit also collaborates closely with the Cardiac Bioelectric Imaging Research Laboratory at the Medical Informatics R&D Centre at the University of Pannonia in Hungary. Dr. György Kozmann, a Hungarian scientist with over 50 years of experience in physics, biology, and information technology, is both an investor and lead developer in the company.

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