How Technology Is Changing the Way We Watch Modern Sporting Events



Many sporting events have been beginning to implement technology into their events for a long time now, with many tested and untested methods coming into the games. These could range anywhere from the electronic scoreboard to the Hawkeye used in tennis. There is no denying that technology has changed traditional sports, and some not-so-traditional sporting events for the better and in some cases worse.


The Tennis Hawk Eye

Currently being used in every major event around the world, save for Wimbledon, Hawkeye has become a staple at every tennis tournament for professional players. Players are making use of their challenges to challenge umpire calls, as every human may make mistakes here and there. This has changed the game in a number of ways.

It allows players to be sure of calls that may have gone against them and gives them more control over the game. This has reduced the outbursts in the game and given the umpires a sense of security, that even if they make a wrong call, it won’t ruin a player and their game.

Cricket Review System

While the third umpire has played a part in Cricket for some time now, it has only been recently that they have implemented a review system for the players. For anyone that doesn’t know, if a player is given out, but believe he is not out, he can appeal the decision to the third umpire. He will then use replays, hot spot and sound indicators to attempt to decide if the player is actually out. This can be done the same way with the bowling team if they think a player was out, but he was given not out.

Gallo Images
Gallo Images

So how has this changed the game of Cricket? Only recently, in the Ashes series between Australia and England, the review system has played a huge part. It created a massive stir as decisions that were questionable were made; making people wonder if the decision was actually out and if the review system is effective. Depending on what team you supported, you might have a different opinion.

The Viewer Experience

One of the more essential things in sports is making sure viewers are comfortable and are getting the best experience. Of course, technology has made this a lot better and has improved the lives of sports fans in multiple ways.

The introduction of HD TV and even, Television in general was huge for sports, as people were finally able to watch their favorite teams without journeying to the stadium. HDTV on the other hand created a new and far more immersive experience for viewers. The quality has improved so much that you no longer have to strain your eyes to see the tennis ball or find who has the ball in a football game.

Fantasy football and games of the sort have also improved immensely. The idea that we can track stats live and translate them into scores on the go might have been a dream to the guys who first had the idea of fantasy football. Now it is one of the most popular ways that people will enjoy sports and has entire sites dedicated to the game. It is one of the most immerse and fun experiences to have. And it’s fun to brag about when playing with friends.

Now this one is specific to poker! Poker would have been near unwatchable without technology. When watching the World Series of Poker, seeing the cards and knowing what other players don’t is half of the fun. You can pick up on the bluffs and smile when you know when a player is not showing his full hand. It has enhanced the viewing experience immensely.

Seeing the whole cards has revolutionized the way viewers watch the World Series of Poker (
Seeing all the cards has revolutionized the way viewers watch the World Series of Poker (

Social Networking

A long time ago, you would have had to have a party with friends so that you could enjoy a game of football and discuss it with mates, but now, with social networking, you can keep the entire world updated on the game. It also makes watching the game a lot more fun when you can discuss the game with someone.

In short, even without the examples listed above, there are probably plenty of ways that technology has really influenced the viewing and the outcomes of sport. However, the scoreboard is still the best piece of technology involved in all sports.