Issue 6 of the Sports Performance and Tech Magazine

sports performance and tech cycling

sports performance and tech magazine

Today we are continuing to post the latest sports technology news and ideas by proudly providing the 6th Issue of the Sports Performance and Technology Magazine. This Issue contains many articles to put on your reading list. Simon Barton, Assistant Editor of Sports Performance and Tech, shares a fascinating article about the rising use of Cryotherapy in athlete recovery.  Jack Dowie explores issues surrounding the heptathlon scoring system and how data analysis can help to improve it. Kristof De Mey provides an overview of an interesting new technique to measure an athlete’s muscle composition called the Muscle Talent Scan. And we included our own article examining the impact of technology and doping on Cycling throughout its history and how the sport has been transformed in recent years.

Overall, this issue has many more great sports tech articles that we did not point out so be sure to make some time to check them out and let us and the Sports Performance and Tech Magazine know what you think in the comments section below or on Twitter.