Keemotion Automates The Filming, Production And Streaming Of Live Sports Content

startup-seriesNew technology from startup ventures is transforming the global sports industry. This Startup Series has introduced over 200 startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience by allowing Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story and pitch their idea. Feel free to submit your startup’s answers to the below questions or contact us if you know of a startup that should be considered for inclusion in this series.

This particular startup is part of the Dodgers Accelerator with R/GA that is culminating in a demo event on November 10th.

Company name:   Keemotion

Founder(s):  Milton Lee (non founding CEO), Damien Delannay, Alex Bustamante

Headquarters:  Brussels, Belgium and New York, NY

1. What is your elevator pitch?  

There is a paradigm shift in the way content is being brought to consumers.  With scores of new streaming and OTT outlets, we are moving to a world where everything needs to be captured, documented and shared in real time.  Sports is at the epicenter of this content revolution because 96% of sports content is watched live.  The problem is the value of sports content is highly variable, but the way to produce the content is not.  Therefore, over 95% of live sporting events are not produced for live streaming b/c the cost to produce professional quality content has been too high – up until now. picture1keemotion 

2. Problem & Solution 

Keemotion’s automated production platform allows content owners to film and stream 1080p HD productions at a fraction of the cost of legacy solutions.  Keemotion’s system will film the game, produce it and live stream it.  Our motion detecting technology film’s the action on the court the way a professional cameraman would.  Our production software imbeds the score, shot clock, team names and advertising.  Then we send that file to the Amazon Cloud which relays it to our client’s website.  All the end user has to do is add a play by play announcer.  Additionally, Keemotion can stream an unlimited amount of productions at a fixed cost.  

3. Market – your target market and the overall market.  

Keemotion is a scalable solution to a global conundrum – How can we produce professional quality content at a low price?  We operate in over 100 professional arenas, 10 countries and 3 continents around the world.  We have streamed for major sports networks like ESPN and will be streaming on Fox Sports Plus this coming season.  Marquee clients include the Golden State Warriors (NBA), the Santa Cruz Warriors (NBDL) and 4 entire professional leagues in Europe.  We have focused on basketball and volleyball, but our addressable marketplace will grow wider and deeper.  This means we will eventually produce every sport at every level, even high school.  Wherever your teams are playing sports, Keemotion will produce your games.   

4. Business Model – how do you make money?  

Keemotion is a subscription service.  Everything is included in the annual fee including our initial installation.  Once we install our compact fixed cameras, it is a software solution.  Clients interact through our website and iPad application.  We have satisfied customers around the world.  For example, the entire French professional league has been a client for the last 3 years and recently extended that contract for the following 4 years through 2020.

5. Management Team – with titles.

Milton Lee – CEO

Damien Delannay – CTO

Greg Adams – CFO

Alex Bustamante – Head of Operations

Colin Cunningham – Head of Sales

6. Anything else you want the audience to know about your venture?

Keemotion’s automated production platform is a lot more than just for streaming.  Keemotion’s ‘coaching’ application allows the downloading and tagging of game or practice footage in real time.  Coaches can share instant edits with the team during a game or practice.  Our ‘social media’ application allows users to share in-game highlights to Twitter and Facebook in seconds.  Keemotion’s ‘instant replay platform’ allows referees to review close calls in real time frame by frame.  Our ‘file sharing’ platform allows intra-league teams to share games with each other with no delay.