Liverpool Medical Staff Are Evaluating Injured Players With New Replay Technology

We, as viewers, are used to seeing what seems like thousands of replays of an injury to a player in any game—so much so that Saturday Night Live made a skit about it. However, for medical staffs, these replays are not always enough for evaluating a downed player. Generally, all they have to rely upon is a fixed, sideline television feed, which does not allow them much flexibility.

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That is where myplayXplay comes in. It is a mobile, high quality replay system that staffs can use to look at pictures and replays of a play to discover more about a player’s injury, so that they can discover more about the area affected and do not risk aggravating the injury.

Liverpool FC just became the first English Premier League team to use this technology, joining the ranks of the Irish and Welsh rugby teams, the New York Rangers and a number of other hockey teams in different leagues than the NHL.

Liverpool utilized myplayXplay last week, as medical staff could be seen bringing an iPad to the side of injured defender Dejan Lovren, with the application open to review the preceding play.

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As simple as this idea sounds, the replays and still images of an injury to a player can help medical teams enormously—seeing as it is a much more objective way of evaluating a player’s injured area than just asking “where does it hurt?”

It will surely be a big step forward for sideline medical professionals, and the capabilities of this application expand beyond the initially obvious. With the gift of being able to omnisciently view the game, team staff can keep an eye out for potential concussion impacts or hits that may cause an injury down the line.