NCAA Rule Could Keep UCF Kicker From Generating YouTube Revenue

Until you’ve sat in a compliance meeting yourself, it’s hard to fully comprehend how many rules the NCAA has in place for its athletes. For UCF kicker Donald De La Haye, those rules are keeping him from profiting from his popular YouTube channel.

De La Haye has posted roughly 40 videos over the last year, most having 100,000+ views.  “Some people upstairs aren’t happy with my videos and they feel like I’m violating NCAA rules,” said De La Haye in his latest video titled “QUIT COLLEGE SPORTS OR QUIT YOUTUBE?”

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According to information received by ESPN and the Orlando Sentinel, De La Haye hasn’t received an ultimatum, per se, from UCF. It seems as though he could have to choose between the revenue generated from his videos or his amateur status as an athlete.

UCF Athletics released a statement to reporters saying the following, “UCF Athletics is committed to rules compliance. Our compliance staff strives to make sure our student-athletes are informed about all pertinent NCAA bylaws. Student-athletes attend regular educational meetings regarding NCAA eligibility. One of our goals is to help our student-athletes learn about the bylaws that govern intercollegiate athletics, in an effort to help them maintain their eligibility.”

In the video referenced earlier, De La Haye talks about being a marketing major and how his videos represent the passion he has for his future career. Referencing his videos, he says, “This is literally, literally, literally pertaining directly to my career.”

De La Haye’s situation will no doubt add fuel to the debate on whether or not NCAA athletes should be paid.