Philadelphia Phillies Turn To CoachMePlus To Manage The Health Of Their Players

CoachMePlus, an athlete data management company has just announced a partnership with the Philadelphia Phillies They will begin working together immediately, as Spring Training is set to begin in just a couple of weeks.

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Their partnership will focus on the development of a centralized platform for data collection and athlete monitoring, as all of CoachMePlus relationships do. The Phillies will specifically hone in on player’s health through a unique predictive performance system that will hopefully make it easier for the medical and performance staff to work together to monitor players health more successfully.

The Phillies will use this technology throughout all levels of their organization: players, coaches, athletic trainers and the front office. The goal is to make everyone’s lives easier as they are able to focus more on their jobs, by spending less time with big data. CoachMePlus creates a system that does not force teams to delve deep into the wide variety of data collection and analytic platforms they use; because their will just be one.

CoachMePlus has only been a player in the world of professional sports since 2012, but in that brief amount of time they have built up a substantial client portfolio. They now work with more than 50 professional and colligate teams throughout the biggest leagues in North America: NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, NCAA, MLS, CFL, and even the military.

What makes this sports technology company unique is that they provide a seemingly simple service; bringing all the data that teams and organizations collect on all of their players from every device and platform, into one database.

CoachMePlus creates a centralized dashboard, tracking every data point the team collects in one place to monitor players health and performance; making tracking athletes a simple exercise. With their platform they can help them understand their own metrics, allowing for personalization of their goals, while they monitor their progress.

The hope is to let coaches and front offices worry more about their day jobs, rather than obsessing over the nitty gritty of data collection and monitoring. The user friendly dashboard system creates a smooth platform, providing the big picture of a players’ health and performance in an easy to digest system.

Long gone are the days of binders full of training and workout regiments; players can use their smartphone’s and tablets to access their health and workout programs. While strength and conditioning teams as well as coaches and front office executives monitor progress and update regiments simply and in real time.

The Buffalo New York based company has been working closely with both the Bills and the Sabers since they started; having their hometown team’s support was vital to their brands success. CoachMePlus now monitors 25,000 athletes everyday, and they are constantly adding to their arsenal of devices and data of which they can collect and support.

Big data is a mainstay in sports today, especially in professional and high-level college athletics, with big money on the line. CoachMePlus simply allows for all of this data to live in one central location. They are helping coaches, front offices, and players do what they do best, their jobs; while they make the data collection and monitoring simple, straightforward, and easily accessible.