Sports enthusiasts are a demanding bunch. They want to see their team win, they want scores and highlights as they happen, and they want to track their fantasy teams in real-time. Thankfully, the revamped Thuuz sports app has arrived and just in time for football season.
With a plethora of technology on the market, second screen viewing experiences are quickly becoming the norm. Thuuz has embraced this movement with their app, which was released for tablet users on Monday. Michael Schmier – VP of Product Management for Thuuz – gives insight as to why tablet compatibility is important:
“Given our mission to drive incremental viewers to live sports programming, creating a tablet version of our app made perfect sense. More than 60% of our fans are now using tablet apps, not only as 2nd screen companions during live events but to also help them decide which event to watch in the first place.”
Thuuz is the “all you can eat buffet” of sports apps. Do you want to be alerted when there is a no-hitter being pitched in the 8th inning? How about when your fantasy quarterback is in scoring position? With the Thuuz app and its unique heat ratings and alerts, you will “Never miss an exciting game” again.
Guide View
The new Android app not only features tablet support, but the “guide view” has been redesigned as well. The revamped guide view is an easy way to check scores. This isn’t your typical scoreboard app though.Guide view includes a “heat map” rating for each game. These ratings include colored numbers that help users judge how “hot” a game was, is, or will be.
The updated guide also includes a few other fan savvy features. Not only are the games segmented by sport, but the app also integrates with your local cable providers. This makes it easy to see which games are being locally televised.
Game View
Delving further into the app, tapping on a game will bring up the “game view”. Again, it shows you the games “heat rating”, when the game starts, and other game info. Beyond that, the app will let you know if you should have a particular interest in the selected game based on your fantasy teams. With your fantasy team linked to your Thuuz account, game view will show you which players on your roster are playing in the game. Game view will also give you a preview of the game and let you know where the local sports bars are.
Fantasy Integration

Fantasy tracking has become an all-important part of a sports enthusiast’s second screen experience. There’s no doubt that Thuuz sets you up to follow your fantasy football team. The fantasy integration is quick and easy to set up. Afterwards, you can stay up to do date on your league’s match-ups, how much each of your players have scored, and how many players have yet to play. Player summaries are available, along with which channel you can find that player on.
One very unique feature added into Thuuz is the ability to “smack talk”. If your friends have the app, you can trash talk your way through a Sunday afternoon.
Alerts and Customization
Thuuz is for the ultimate sports fan that wants it all. Even for sports fans that want a little less, alerts are customizable. Alert categories include competition alerts, scoring position alerts, hot player alerts, and injury alerts. And that is just for fantasy. Other alerts include information related to your favorite teams and sports. You can even set the the ringtone alert for the app. Thuuz allows you to customize which teams and sports you want follow. If you don’t want to see how the Big 12 is doing, you don’t have too.
One of the best features of the app though, is it’s ability to notify you when an exciting game is taking place. That means you will never miss another no-hitter or great quarterback shootout again.
In a recent survey, it was found that users of Thuuz watched 28% more sporting events. 70% of Thuuz users said they were able to watch a sporting event in the last month that they would have normally missed were it not for the app.
Warren Packard – CEO of Thuuz – discusses the value of the app: “The Thuuz discovery platform adds value for both sports fans and TV providers, by connecting viewers with the most relevant and compelling sports content, and helping TV providers attain incremental viewership. We want to give our users a heightened ability to see what’s happening in the world of sports and consume the content of their choice. Our new tablet app is one more step in that direction.”
There you have it. Thuuz is changing the second screen experience for sports fans everywhere. With customization and a wide view of the sports world, there’s no way you will miss the next time Adrian Peterson runs for 200 yards or Lebron James throws down 40 points. In a world where content is king, Thuuz reigns supreme.