Reviewing IBM’s Data Gathering Technologies at the Australian Open

ibm return serve australia open

ibm data technologies australia open

It is that time of year again. Millions of tennis fans around the world rejoice as the grand slam fast is broken, and the world’s top virtuosos battle over the last fortnight in Melbourne. 2014 is a special year for the Australian Open; followers from all corners of the globe will be able to see this major in a whole new light, thanks to IBM’s new strategies in data collection. IBM’s partnership with Tennis Australia has flourished in recent years, but we haven’t seen the full benefit of technology on viewership until now.

For those not making the trek to Australia, logging on to is the first step to maximizing your viewing experience. IBM Real Time data provides statistical analysis of any and all aspects of the game. Serve percentage, shot variation, rally duration, and more is well presented and at your disposal.

IBM’s advanced SlamTracker calculates each player’s momentum, habits, and strategies, point-by-point, as you’re watching. Using 8 years of grand slam data, SlamTracker even displays top players’ tendencies in past tournaments. Using these facts, IBM can create specific “Keys to the Game” for each player given their opponent and circumstances. As a match progresses, player performance is measured against their keys and updated live, so you can see the most effective means for an Andy Murray comeback or a straight set victory for Rafael Nadal.

With analysis of over 41 million points, IBM can effectively determine the ins and outs of a player’s career path until this point. Find out more about what caused Federer’s disappointing 2013 season and what the data says the aging maestro should do in this grand slam to reverse the trend. On the other side of the spectrum, check out the analytics that detail the noticeably elevated play of older veterans in the women’s game, including Serena William’s stint as the oldest world number one in WTA history.

SlamTracker provides further analysis to Aussie Open viewers and Tennis Australia by crowd-sourcing and tracking crowd sentiment through Twitter and other social media outlets. In this way, fans can now see how the general viewing audience feels about a player’s performance, whether positive or negative.
In 2013, IBM tracked over 9 million Twitter references regarding certain players and matches. From a business standpoint, both Tennis Australia and other sponsors can use this data to shape promotional campaigns on social media.

Social media data translates well to the mobile app arena as well. The new, IBM powered Australian Open app provides the complete array of features available on in an efficient format on your smartphone or tablet.

IBM’s most fan-engaging and hands-on feature new to the 2014 open is ReturnServe. ReturnServe is a program that physically puts your tennis abilities to the test by allowing you a chance to return a serve hit by one of the top players—virtually. If you have the pleasure of traveling to Australia for the tournament, there are ReturnServe locations in both Melbourne and Sydney.

ibm return serve australia openAfter being fitted with an Oculus Rift virtual reality headset and a motion-sensing tennis racquet, you are ready to test your luck at the ultimate tennis simulation. Using real time data, RetunServe recreates the speed and trajectory of the most recent serve hit in the Australian Open and presents it on your virtual reality screen.

Unfortunately, odds are not in your favor in this endeavor. If you are like most, your hopes of whipping a return ace down the alley-line will soon disintegrate when you shank the first serve into the sixteenth row. Fortunately, IBM’s Real Time data analyzes your unique swing and offers you advice to increase the chances on your subsequent attempts.

IBM also created a simplified online version of ReturnServe to accommodate those unable to participate in person; all you need is an Internet connection. Using your cursor as your racquet, you return the serve by clicking and having ideal racquet positioning. Naturally, this version is much less compelling than the actual simulation, but IBM is due credit for providing the masses not in attendance a consolation.

How is this massive, data-heavy operation managed? IBM’s solution: the private SmartCloud. For 50 weeks out of the year, Tennis Australia’s IT infrastructure sees a mere fraction of the data traffic generated during the two-week-long Australian Open. By using a private cloud to store and utilize resources, Tennis Australia servers are not overwhelmed by the mass influx of data from millions of fans worldwide.

Other major events that experience similar data traffic, such as Wimbledon, the Masters, and the Tony Awards, have also begun utilization of IBM’s cloud strategy.

IBM notes that the SmartCloud is an excellent tool for any business operation. With the cloud approach, spikes in IT demand are no longer an issue, and budgets can be expanded with the cut in operational costs.

For those interested in the science and technology of sports, look to IBM as an example of how to take athletic data to the next level. IBM’s new data collection strategies enhance both viewing experience and our overall grasp of the game.

As the years roll on, IBM will be able to provide the most accurate statistics, trends, and predictions alike for tennis, golf, and many other sports. IBM has even begun data collection through the Rugby Football Union in England to create the TryTracker, a similar interface to the SlamTracker that provides the latest rugby analytics.

To fulfill your tennis cravings, be sure to visit, download the Australian Open app, and keep up with IBM’s latest, game-changing data strategies when grand slam season begins in May.