Samsung Takes Miami Dolphins Fan Experience At Hard Rock Stadium To The Next Level

Samsung is helping the Miami Dolphins take player and fan experiences to the next level at Hark Rock Stadium, which was recently selected to host Super Bowl LIV.

“It’s a fact that technology is changing the landscape of sports,” Tery Howard, the Dolphins’ Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, said.

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Samsung and the Dolphins have created new “living room” luxury boxes that allow fans to watch 24 different channels on Samsung televisions while at the game. On Samsung mobile, fans can scan into the game instead of using paper tickets. Once in the stadium, fans are able to view digital concession menus on Samsung TVs that are displayed throughout the stadium and then pay for items on their mobile devices.

While the majority of the renovation is focused on the fan experience, players and coaches are benefiting, too. Samsung has provided high-speed, multi-functioning printers that allow players to get up to 60 pages of key strategies and plays.