The San Diego bodysurfing startup WaveWrecker launched with the hopes of transforming the sport. They have introduced a wetsuit that provides both buoyancy and control making the user “be the board” with the ability to ride and attack the waves like never before, without tiring.
The suit itself is six years in the making and is perfect for all ages and skill levels. The wetsuit is manufactured in a top of the line facility shared by name brand wetsuit makers. The neoprene suit has varying ranges of thickness: 2mm, 3mm and 4mm and is comprised of 11 built in fins made of “uniquely flexible and buoyant, super-durable, closed-cell foam” located on the chest, back, arms, and legs.
Along with “proprietary neck closure and o-ring-like wrist closures” that prevent water leakage, the WaveWrecker helps the user remain buoyant and energized without the need to tread water. It also provides the unique ability to control one’s body with the fins, helping push the limits of the sport.
Founder Nick Gadler’s inspiration for this suit came to him while teaching his son how to swim. He designed this suit not only for the avid bodysurfer to “push the limits of the bodysurfing extreme,” but also for beginners and children to enjoy the sport giving them the ability to learn more quickly and safely. Parents will love this suit for their kids because of its flotation capability while the kids will love it because they can spend hours in the water without getting tired.
The buoyancy and control this finned wetsuit could be a mainstay on beaches soon. However if you are looking to use this “wearable technology” as a beginner or an avid bodysurfer, there will be a wait. Although a small amount of suits are still available on the WaveWrecker website, there is currently a steep price point: adult suits sell for $399.00, while the kids version is $299.00 (plus shipping).
A KickStarter campaign began January 15th to help fund the next wave of suit manufacturing. The $10,000 goal hopes to be met by March, with shipments online and to retail location beginning a few months later.
If WaveWrecker reaches its funding goal, we will have to wait and see if this streamlined suit truly is a game changer in revitalizing the sport of bodysurfing.