Smart Mouthguard Measures Brain’s Center of Gravity to Detect Concussions

fitguard nfl concussions mouthguard tech

fitguard nfl concussions mouthguard techForce Impact Technologies, a company that looks to integrate technology into sporting equipment to increase detection of potential injuries, recently launched its first product, the FITGuard. The FITGuard is a mouthguard that aims to solve the problem with athletes returning to play too soon after a possible head injury.

The FITGuard utilizes various sensors to monitor the center of gravity of an athlete’s brain. The technology uses a system of measurements that combines different forms of acceleration to provide an accurate measurement of impacts that may cause a concussion. The combination of these technologies allows the system to detect potential head injuries and indicate the severity. The FITGuard uses green, blue, and red LED lights to represent low, medium, or high force impact.

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After every impact, the data that the FITGuard collects is transferred to the FITGuard mobile application for analysis and recording. The application allows for users to monitor incidents and report symptom. The software allows users to input age, weight, and gender to establish a pre-determined threshold and to customize the device for every user. This technology will allow players, parents, and coaches to monitor head injuries more closely than ever, and prevent athletes from playing after a possible concussion.

Concussions are one of the most commonly reported injuries among the 135 million participants in team sports, including the estimated 3.8 million sports-related concussions reported in the US each year,” Executive Director at Force Impact Technologies, Anthony Gonzales said.

“Many athletes return to the game without knowing they have an existing head injury and cause further damage. With the launch of FITGuard, we hope to provide a full service approach by detecting high impact head injuries and pushing for further evaluation from a physician, when necessary.”

For more information on the FITGuard and a chance to support this innovative sports tech product, please visit their IndieGogo page.