Sports Medicine Tech Company Co-Founded By Former NFL Quarterback Partners With University of Pittsburgh

Charlie Batch, former NFL quarterback, has kept ties in his hometown by co-founding the Pittsburgh-based sports medicine technology company, Impellia, along with Richard Walker, an attorney and marketing executive and Dave Morin, health care technology entrepreneur and international speaker on health care technology. Impellia has signed three different technologies from the University of Pittsburgh to the company so far.

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Impellia focuses on preventing injuries, human-performance and rehabilitation through technology. The company partners with universities and researchers from across the country to help commercialize and market their designs to help improve the performance of both elite athletes and everyday people.

Impellia first contacted Pitt two years ago in regards to marketing their technologies in the sports world. And since then, Impellia and Pitt Innovation Institute helped to create PIVOT. PIVOT is the first of three technologies Impellia has signed with Pitt Innovation Institute. The other technologies include interACTION and VISYTER.

PIVOT was developed by Volker Musahl, James Irrgang, and Freddie Fu of the School of Medicine’s Department of Oprthopaedic Surgery and Richard Debski of the Department of Bioengineering in the Swanson School of Engineering. PIVOT uses a tablet to assess the results of a pivot shift test, a clinical exam for diagnosing an ACL. Markers are applied to three parts on the knee. The movement of the markers relays information about the knee movement and the results are recorded on the tablet. This allows for a less risk of human error from the diagnostic process. PIVOT can be used as a pre-surgical diagnostic tool or as a monitor for a patient’s progress during rehabilitation.

“We are thrilled that our PIVOT technology will be made widely available to doctors, physical therapists and athletic trainers,” said Dr. Volker Musahl, medical director of the UPMC Rooney Sports Complex and associate professor at the Pitt School of Medicine. “As both a clinician and a researcher, it is gratifying to know that our work will benefit not only elite athletes but also the general population, providing for a more accurate diagnosis of ACL injuries and a more rapid team and to the Pitt Innovation Institute for bringing us together and guiding us through the commercialization process.”

The collaboration between Impellia and Pitt will open up doors on both ends. Impellia will be able to expand to other universities beyond their headquarters in Pittsburgh. And by partnering with Impellia, Pitt can gain insights on how to improve their technologies from Batch, who understands the needs of athletes, as well as strengthening the regional economy through job creation.

“My team and I are very excited about the potential of this venture,” commented Batch. “To ensure success, we will continue to collaborate with the innovation experts here at Pitt, and I look forward to building our relationship with this university in the months and years ahead.”