Sports Performance Tracking Is Bringing Elite Player Tracking To Amateurs


Within the vast, and seemingly immense world of professional sports we live in today, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the big features and statistics that are thrown in our faces. Come Sunday morning, I can guarantee you one of the first things I will do is adjust my Fantasy lineups for the upcoming games. But what is it exactly, that we as sports fanatics look for when comparing these professional athletes? Is it the home run total heading into the playoffs? Or maybe the quarterback rating from the past two weeks?

Whatever statistics you may look at, we have the ability to view it all at our fingertips, and track these professional athletes’ work ethic with new and always improving technology. However, we tend to forget that there are stages of sports and competition just under the professional level, that don’t seem to receive the same attention to detail, no matter how hard they may work at their respective sport.  

Sports Performance Tracking, or SPT, is a technology company that provides coaches and athletes at the amateur sporting level the ability to track, measure, and monitor all levels of performance and improvement, to see which athletes truly outwork the others. After working with Magellan GPS, SPT unveiled their device in 2015 and launched GameTraka at the CES Show in Las Vegas, quickly becoming a hit in the amateur sporting community.

Using a GPS tracking system, amateur athletes can comfortably wear the tracking device on their chest throughout the training or game time period, allowing them to conceal the device underneath their uniforms. GameTraka allows athletes to compete not only with others, but also with themselves to continuously improve their training and test their endurance in practices and games or matches.

“One of the major points we want to emphasize, is the fact that athletes can wear these devices comfortably at any point during their training.” says CEO and Founder of Sports Performance tracking, William Strange. “We wanted to make a device that was concealable, attractive to the customer, and most of all, accurate.”

Strange, a former athlete himself played on local amateur sporting teams, before coming up with the idea to analyze how hard athletes accurately worked while training and competing. Located in Melbourne, Australia, SPT and GameTraka consider amateur sports such as Australian Rules Football (AFL League), Rugby, Hockey, and more recently Soccer, to be their primary audience for athletes using the GameTraka system. SPT and GameTraka personnel will continue to work on expanding the awareness of their products around the globe, as well as provide athletes and organizations with the best and most accurate sport performance technology.

“Our software provides a team-first/individual feedback system by breaking down the science behind how hard these athletes are working”, says Strange. “We’re striving to be everyone’s personal sports’ scientist.”

SPT will look to develop more full-time products, and has announced the unveiling of a new software platform sometime before November.