SportsBee App Helps Fans Find Which Bar Is Televising Their Team


It is a problem that plagues sports fan all over the country. You are out of town and wanting to watch your favorite team, but have no clue where the best places in town are to watch. Web searches sometimes provide you the answer, but often times this experience has ended with you watching at a bar when you know you could be watching with local fans of your favorite team.

Help is on the way.

SportsBee Network, Inc. announced the launch of SportsBee, which is a unique mobile app designed for sports fans who are looking for the right bar, in the right place, to watch their games and show support for their favorite teams.

The questions that always come up are fairly universal when looking for a place to watch the game:

Where do you want to watch?

Who do you want to watch?

SportsBee is now the only social utility focused on sports and GPS search functionality, it will also introduce a new way to watch games and share experiences with friends & fellow fans. SportsBee was created to serve existing consumer behavior and improve the common experience.

Millions of sports fans are currently going out to bars to watch games every day and SportsBee is trying to turn this into an opportunity to serve this valuable audience.

“The idea sprung from a basic use case-where should I go to watch my teams when I’m traveling? This is the utility side,” states Michael Aguis, CEO & co-founder of SportsBee. “However, as we developed the application, we realized a far larger opportunity around social sharing & community, giving sports fans a cool tool to connect with each other around the passion for their favorite teams.”
With SportsBee you are now able to search by location, by sport and by team. The application will be launching with a proprietary database featuring nearly 10,000 sports bar locations nationwide. These are bars that SportsBee has identified and showcases select establishments according to specific qualifications, including:
  • Official TV sports packages to ensure availability of game broadcasts
  • Team affiliations to match bars with fans rooting for their sports teams, such as club & alumni groups
  • Number of check-ins, current and historical, to measure fan attendance
  • Number of TVs on the premises to ensure that everyone has a good seat
  • Locations based on GPS, city and state, zip, or proximity to nearby major sports stadiums.
Check-ins make a difference

Another unique feature of the SportsBee app is that user check-ins are weighted by a proprietary algorithm to measure popularity.
Specifically, every user check-in represents support for a particular team and sport, and these actions are calculated to influence a bar’s team affiliations. Check-ins represent a particular user engagement that make bar data more accurate, showing traffic and giving users the power to define a bar.

This will enable the user to see which bars are getting popular marks by users and better to be able to determine where they want to watch certain games where they have multiple options.

Sports bars are meant to be social
According to a recent report by Adweek:
“For sports fans, nothing beats the big screen, with 94 percent of fans watching sports on TV.”  Of course, not everyone has a big screen at home or pays for monthly subscription sports packages, and most fans want to share the viewing experience with others.”

Sports bars are in the business of catering to fans looking for a place to watch, and SportsBee is trying to make sure that experience is as efficient and streamlined as possible.

By leveraging SportsBee, bar marketers and brand advertisers will be able to reach a more engaged, targeted sports audience and increase their overall social media reach across Facebook, Twitter, and other social platforms. SportsBee will drive more customers searching for a place to watch their favorite teams, helping increase revenue to establishments that are listed in the application. When potential customers need a place to watch the game, they can utilize the SportsBee app to ensure they find the right bars.

SportsBee Network, Inc. is a mobile entertainment and social media company based in St. Petersburg, Florida, with offices in New York, NY and San Francisco, CA.

SportsBee app is now available for download on iTunes here.