#SportsInSTEM Series: NBA Math Hoops App

nba math hoops sports stem education

nba math hoops sports stem education

This post is the eighth installment of our #SportsInSTEM Series, which explores, demonstrates, and illuminates how sport serves as a vehicle to train and enlighten students of all ages in pursuing interests and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. If you or someone you know is using sports to help with STEM education, then please let us know so we can include their work in our series.

Mathematics plays an irrefutably vital role in a student’s education. Various applications of the subject are heavily utilized in the STEM fields (science, technology, and engineering). Without a strong handle on basic arithmetic, students could face struggles not only academically, but professionally as well. On a national level, “the mathematics and science performance of U.S. elementary and secondary students lags behind their peers in many other nations.”

But students are not the only ones grappling with this notorious subject; teachers face the added challenge of capturing and maintaining their students’ interests in mathematics. Using whiteboards, number sheets, and workbooks, educators attempt to take a subject met with apprehension and make it appealing. Despite efforts made by both parties, math seems to be the perpetual Achilles’ heel of STEM centered learning. According to the U.S. Department of Education, “Only 16 percent of American high school seniors are proficient in mathematics and interested in a STEM career…”

With heavy focus being placed on developing student growth across STEM subjects, introducing some fresh teaching materials was imperative. In order to be successful, students and teachers alike need to be excited about learning and teaching. Essentially, math needs to become fun again. Enter: the NBA Math Hoops App.

NBA Math Hoops is absolutely as awesome as it sounds. Mixing math with real-time NBA and WNBA data, this app aims to teach students using real-world applications of scholastic lessons. The app is aligned with the Common Core Standards for Mathematics and can be integrated either into classroom curriculum or utilized outside of school as a supplementary program.

By fostering healthy competition and drive, NBA Math Hoops motivates coaches (aka the students) to participate and succeed in the simulated basketball games. This, in turn, exposes kids to mathematical based concepts like statistical data compilation, whole number operations, and the ability to analyze data for both accuracy and relevant information. According to the app’s website, 4th graders improved their math scores by 55.9% after using NBA Math Hoops. In fact 5th, 6th, and 7th graders all showed at least a 15% increase in scores as well. Not only can learning through an interactive game be fun, but it can have positive intellectual impacts as well.

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While 90% of students say that NBA Math Hoops made them like math more, they aren’t the only ones benefitting from this technological masterpiece. 75% of teachers reported being more excited about teaching as a result of using NBA Math Hoops. Imagine having a classroom full of students excited about learning and eager to do their homework rather than trying to teach kids that dread learning math. Additionally, using a different setting to teach students allows different learning styles to shine. Through using this app, teachers may be able to recognize (and foster) abilities in students that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. A nurtured curiosity by an inspired teacher could be the beginning of a student’s lifelong interest in STEM studies.

In order to see an improvement in math performance and enhanced interest in STEM fields, learning needs to engage students and encourage growth. The NBA Math Hoops program accomplishes these goals. By using real-time data (and a real-world setting) students are able to apply mathematics in a way that is both fun and educational.

Chemistry and science-based classes often have a lab portion of the course that supplements what students are being taught. This hands-on experimentation process is crucial to bridging the gap between textbook-instruction and real-life application. Math is no different; engaging students in a fun application of their curriculum only helps encourage a deeper level of knowledge. Additionally, by helping students improve their academic progress, NBA Math Hoops helps boost confidence.

NBA Math Hoops brings a breath of fresh air to a subject as old as time. When learning is fun, students become passionate about what they’re doing. STEM careers are crucial to the continued development of our nation, that much is undeniable. In order to get driven people interested in pursuing these jobs, start by inspiring the students at a young age.
Julia Randall is working on getting her free-throw percentage up past Ben Wallace’s. Until then, she plans on enjoying her time in the key while keeping an eye on her fantasy drafts!