SportTechie Startup Profile Series: LemonAid Is Tinder Meets LinkedIn For College Recruiting

New technology from startup ventures is transforming the sports industry. The mission of this series will be to introduce startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience and allow Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story.

Company:  LemonAid, Inc

CEO:  Nate Boyle

Headquarters:  Ashburn, VA

 1. What is your elevator pitch?  

LemonAid introduces every student athlete to the opportunity of a lifetime.  Our iOS and Android apps suggest matches to coaches and athletes based on their social, academic, and athletic profiles.  LemonAid then presents athlete and coach as a concise, curated digital profile to one another.  Two mutual right swipes later, a coach and athlete can communicate by phone, email, and/or message.  Think Tinder meets Linkedin for collegiate athletic recruiting.

2. Problem & Solution

Athletes are overwhelmed by the amount of initial information, the time and cost expense of searching (not to mention attending), and frustrated by a lack of familiar communication styles

Coaches lack the time and/or resources to quickly identify and connect with high school athletes searching for similar academic, athletic, and social opportunities.

Mobile. Match. Messaging. w/LemonAid

3. Market – your target market and the overall market

Target market: College Recruiting – $3.1 billion in scholarships and $234 million spent on recruiting

Overall market: College Athletics

4. Business Model

Memberships available as in-app purchases

5. Management Team 

Nate Boyle – CEO

Eric Knight – VP Business Development

Rohan Lam – CTO

6. What else do you want the audience to know about your venture?

The Lemonaid app was conceived drawing upon our experiences as collegiate athletes and coaches. Eric didn’t receive much interest, but was determined, eventually walking on at George Mason University, competing at the 2012 Olympic Trials with SwamMAC Team Elite, and breaking an American Record as a member of the 200 yard medley relay.

I was an All-American, NCAA Champ at Auburn, and USA National Team member who would go on to coach at every level the sport has to offer.  Our passions and talents make LemonAid our element.

Bonus Questions

If you were stuck on a desert island with any three athletes, who would they be and why?

Michael Jordan – talented overachiever

Ayrton Senna – always searching for personal growth

Steve Prefontaine – unwavering tenacity and passion

If you were to invite any CEO to dinner who would it be and why?

Richard Branson – storytelling genius.

If you could go to any sporting event, what would it be and why?

2008 Wimbledon – Federer vs Nadal.  Caveat is I’d want my two boys to be there with me.  That match encapsulates everything great about sport.  2 amazing athletes playing at the highest levels.  Strategy, athleticism and sheer will to ‘win’.  Followed by incredible humility and respect for one another.  Sport can raise our personal expectations and accountability.