SportTechie Startup Profile Series: ParkHub Makes The Worst Part Of Sporting Events Seamless


New technology from startup ventures is transforming the sports industry. The mission of this series will be to introduce startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience and allow Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story.

Company: ParkHub

CEO: George Baker

Headquarters: Dallas, TX (Deep Ellum)

1. What is your elevator pitch? 

ParkHub is a complete Parking Ecosystem for reservations, payment, management, sensors, infrastructure and applications that is all managed in via LTE and cloud based software.

2. Problem & Solution

Parking sucks, I mean, let’s be honest. How many people have you ever heard say “OMG, I just had SO much fun parking my car.” Not very often. While we can’t really make parking FUN, we can make it easy. Easy on the consumer, easy on the operator. By using our technology, operators are able to offer every form of payment method to their guests, and improve the customer experience by getting them through the cue faster. In addition, operators now have more control and visibility in and of their business, plus, the revenue and inventory system is flexible and robust.Prime by ParkHub Ad

3. Market – your target market and the overall market

$40B (TAM) global parking industry; $250M (SAM) is our current target market that specializes or focuses on event style parking in the continental US. Ask again in 9 months and our reach will be much larger.

4. Business Model – how do you make money?

Transactional; a pre-negotiated flat-fee or percentage

5. Management Team (see more here)

George Baker: Founder & CEO

Tony Albanese: President & CRO

Jarrod Fresquez: CMO

Jake Edsell: COO

Dave Livingston: CTO

6. What else do you want the audience to know about your venture?

Parking hasn’t been this exciting since high school. * reference attachment

Bonus Questions:

If you were stuck on a desert island with any three athletes, who would they be and why?

Leryn Franco (Olympic javelin competitor) would hunt; Ronda Rousey (UFC champion) would keep the pirates at bay; Bia & Branca Feres (Olympic Synchronized Swimmers) would lifeguard the beach. Did I mention they were identical twins? That only counts once right? Hey, its my deserted island…

If you were to invite any CEO to dinner who would it be and why?

Sir Richard Branson has done it all. From airlines, to cola, to music, there is hardly an industry he has left untouched. And, in many of those industries, he has emerged as the leader of the pack. Branson, unlike many other CEOs, does not live to work. He believes that family, friends and adventure as are important as going to the office every day. A valuable lesson that every entrepreneur and executive looks for, to strike that exact balance.

If you could go to any sporting event, what would it be and why?

“Rope a Dope.” In 1974, Muhammad Ali let an unbeaten (40-0, 37 knockouts) George Foreman pound on him with the confidence that Foreman would punch himself out. Ali knocked him out in the eighth round. One of boxing’s, and sports’, greatest moments ever showing that with deliberate determination and discipline, the underdog can win. A real world David and Goliath. Hosted in Africa. Spectacular show of strength. Wow…