SportTechie Startup Profile Series: Performance 20/20 Offers Sports Vision Training For Competitive Athletes

New technology from startup ventures is transforming the sports industry. The mission of this series is to introduce startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience and allow Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story. Feel free to contact us if you know of a startup that should be considered for this series.

Company name: Performance 20/20

Founder(s): Dr. Jennifer Stewart and Gus Ellison

Headquarters: Stamford, CT

1. What is your elevator pitch?

Performance 20/20 is sports vision training for achieving athletic potential through sharpening the visual system and cognitive skills. The consistent application of performance vision training can optimize visual acuity, sharpen coordination, maximize reaction times, increase peripheral awareness, and expand depth perception. We utilize cutting edge training and technology to enhance the visual and neurological systems of all athletes ranging from youths to professionals. For athletes looking for a competitive edge, our trainers will customize a sport specific plan to optimize performance.

2. Problem & Solution

High level performance vision training has typically only been accessible to professional athletes or those training near an elite level training facility.  Our goal is to make the newest technology and customized, comprehensive sports vision training available to all athletes – youth, recreational, college, elite and professionals.

In sports, you are only as good as your eyes. Performance vision training goes beyond basic eyesight to give our athletes the ability to achieve peak performance. Over 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. Every decision we make consists of four parts: visual, perceptual, cognitive and an action response. Through a customized training plan, an athlete is able to maximize these skills to increase stamina, flexibility and focus.

One of the most difficult tasks in sports is hitting a fastball.  When a batter faces a 90 mile per hour pitch, he/she has less than one quarter of a second to see the pitch, to judge the speed and location, to decide what to do, and to start their swing.  Most of the information a batter utilizes to decide whether to swing or not comes in the first 100 milliseconds of the pitch.  Athletes completing sports vision training will be able to make these decisions quicker and more accurately.

Similar to strength training, performance vision can help an athlete to react faster, to see more, and to improve awareness. We implement advanced technology utilized by NCAA, professional, and Olympic programs to maximize athletic potential. We make this unique and highly specialized training accessible to amateur and elite athletes.

Our unique evaluation process tests athletes on a number of visual and sensory skills, as well as a comprehensive goal setting session with a trainer. A customized report is prepared for each athlete, highlighting areas of skills and weaknesses, and compares the athlete in their sports and positions.

3. Market – your target market and the overall market

With the exponential growth of sports participation, athletes continue to look for a competitive edge. We provide training to all levels of athletes ranging from amateur to professional across a range of demographics. Athletes in all sports, whether they are dynamic sports (football, baseball, lacrosse, hockey, basketball, soccer) or static (golf, shooting, archery, figure skating) benefit from sports vision training to maximize their potential.

4. Business Model – how do you make money?

We are a boutique facility that offers a specialized and personalized service. We offer both individual and group training sessions which are purchased in packs of 12, 24, 36 sessions. We also provide onsite clinics and team training.

5. Management Team – with titles

Dr. Jennifer Stewart, Chief Vision Officer

Gus Ellison, Chief Operating Officer

6. What else do you want the audience to know about your venture?

Dr. Jennifer Stewart has extensive experience working with athletes and their visual systems. She has served as a consultant to the Worldwide Performance Vision Council, a group of doctors dedicated to developing new methods of testing and training athletes, most recently Olympic athletes.  She has had the opportunity to work with athletes from the Miami Dolphins NFL team, the US Olympic Track and Field team, the NY Knicks basketball team, the Danbury Westerners minor league baseball team, various Boston College athletic teams, and Special Olympic athletes.

Dr. Stewart currently practices as an optometrist/partner at Norwalk Eye Care ( in Norwalk, CT. Dr. She is also a former Division I track and field athlete and still holds two college records. She is currently an active triathlete and runner.