Sqor Big During the NFL Draft With Brett Favre


This is an exciting time for sports fans as football is right around the corner. Now during the NFL Draft, fans can Sqor some exclusive content from the athletes themselves!

Sqor is a new sports social platform that will connect fans directly to the athletes.  It is a channel for professional athletes to communicate with their fan base rather than posting on Facebook and Twitter. “Our goal is to facilitate the relationship between fans and the professional athletes,” says Social Marketing Manager Liz Kantor.

The Sqor app gives athletes the ability to upload content seamlessly, even for the most digitally challenged athletes. Sqor also give athletes economic opportunities to monetize their brand through digital advertisement and campaigns on the platform.

Sqor will be hosting an event during the NFL Draft on Thursday, April 25th, where NFL athletes will be reporting live during the first round of the draft.  They will give behind the scenes access and analysis, and publishing exclusive content for their fans.  These athletes include Chris Culliver, Chris Canty, Terrence Campbell, Mo Claiborne, Louis Murphy, Andre Ellington (Draftee), Michael Williams (Draftee), and last but not least, Brett Favre!

Favre is excited to be using Sqor during the draft. “Sqor is so simple…I was sold right away. This is a great way for athletes to grow their fan base,” said Favre. “Sqor cuts out the middle man and allows athletes unfiltered access to their fans.”

With beta launch set for May 14, users are given an early access pass as some of the former and current NFL players cover the draft.

Check out www.sqor.com, as one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history (Brett Favre) evaluates the top of the NFL Draft via video on the Sqor platform. Users can follow along on the website or  follow @sqor on Twitter for Favre’s candid analysis of the picks as they happen.

About Sqor

The most entertaining platform in digital sports, Sqor (http://sqor.com) creates economic opportunity for athletes all over the world. Sqor is a licensed technology provider of digital rights for the MLB Players Association and will be working with player associations from all major sports in the months to come to help athletes connect with their fan base, take control and grow their digital brand and help players collect in the millions of dollars being generated through off the field income. The Sqor platform is owned and operated by the Virtual Fan Network. www.VirtualFanNetwork.com