Pizza Hut will debut an augmented reality mobile game this NFL season that allows users to unlock a virtual game of cornhole. To access the augmented reality version of the...
When CBS Sports executive producer Harold Bryant first walked into the broadcast booth in Atlanta’s new Mercedes-Benz Stadium last year, he wasn’t sure where he was. The space was so...
Neurotechnology company SyncThink is best known for its ability to detect possible concussion symptoms. Now the company has added tools to its virtual reality applications that help both healthy people...
German newspaper Bild is offering a high-tech augmented reality addition to its low-tech print product. A free app scans Bundesliga soccer photos from the page and then plays video clips...
Animated basketball players, the kind you see when playing games such as NBA 2K, are currently teaching themselves how to dribble thanks to research work at Carnegie Mellon University. With...