The Organizing Of Pick-Up Games Goes Mobile With UrbanBallr

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A small team of sports enthusiasts based in London, New York and Barcelona have designed a brand new app that enables users to seek out like-minded amateur sportspeople and connect through a game of their choice.

UrbanBallr is designed for users to post, link, store and share information regarding when and where a local sporting match will be played.

Produced by up-and-coming software developers, Gorilla Arm, the technology presents an exciting opportunity for the social sporting world.

The app has the potential to capture a loyal user group due to its simplification of social sport in a niche market that has gone unaddressed so far in terms of technology. It provides the user with an option of three sports: soccer, basketball or tennis.

Someone using the app could be doing one of two things: they could be simply looking for somewhere to play in their local area or they could already have a match organised and are searching for that last one or two players to make the game fair and interesting.

This feature alone has the opportunity to have a great influence on travellers and tourists. Those who aren’t familiar with the local area or social status will now be able to get their sports-fix with a lot more ease.UrbanBallr-Screens

When creating an event users will provide the level of competitiveness, the location or address, how many players are needed, the date and time, how long the match is planned to go for and optionally, how much a player must pay.

The UrbanBallr website points out that users are able to follow certain match organisers if they had an enjoyable experience, much like other social media apps. This feature will aim to convert potential one-time users into recurring customers.

While it will no doubt take time for the app to generate awareness and popularity, it is important that it expands its operations in accordance with its growing number of users. The range of sports suitable for this kind of app is endless and could see it become extremely successful.