This Lightweight, Electric Skateboard Can Be Controlled Through An App

Acton Global, a company that has gained notoriety for their electric roller-skates and electric scooter, unveiled their take on an electric skateboard a month ago at CES 2016. And now their Blink Board is available for pre-order purchase on their website.

The Blink Board is priced at $499 and can come in two different styles—one with the California Bear on it, and the other is a purple-based pattern.

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The board is marketed for its size and weight—27 inches long and nine pounds—which should stand out in a world of electric skateboards that usually centers on longer boards. In fact, this is now the lightest board on the market.

The Blink Board is also the very first skateboard to be wireless Bluetooth-controlled. Included is a remote control that the user can adjust the speed of the board. And if by chance you would happen to lose that remote control, the board can also be controlled through Acton’s app, which is available on iOS and Android.

Each board comes with a carrying strap, adding to Acton’s plan to make this an easily transportable electric skateboard—one that most people can carry anywhere and use with any variety of travel.

“We’re hopeful Blink Board will not only revamp traditional skateboarding, but also give everyone the opportunity to transform the way they cruise around town or go about their daily commute,” said Acton’s co-founder and CEO, Janelle Wang.

The charging time is not too substantial either. It takes one hour to fully charge the 800W motor that powers the board to speeds at or below 15 mph. A full charge will get the user six miles of travel.

Check out the promotional video below: