Out Wide: Denis Kudla

From tennis to tattoos, literature to world leaders, name a topic, and Denis Kudla likely has an opinion.

Born in Kiev, Ukraine and raised in the Washington D.C. area, Kudla is well-traveled, well-read, and well-versed in sports, the arts, politics and just about everything in between. ATPWorldTour.com recently caught up with the 25-year-old to find out more.

What's your biggest passion outside of sports, and why?
My biggest passion outside of sports would be music. I played piano when I was younger but I have a passion for all genres of music. I think it's amazing to listen to the art that comes from a musician’s mind. It's something that's always intrigued me.

Do you have a favourite genre of music?
I'm into deep house and I also like alternative a lot. Alter Bridge has always been my favourite band. Right now, I'm listening to old school bands like Puddle of Mudd and stuff like that. Nothing too crazy, just music that gets the adrenaline going.

What was the last concert you attended?
The Red Hot Chili Peppers during their farewell tour. It was pretty good. I wouldn't say it was the best concert I've ever been to or anything, but it's the Red Hot Chili Peppers and they're legendary.

What's the last book you read?
The last book I read was Bang Bang: My Life in Ink by Bang Bang. He's a tattoo artist from Manhattan and he does tattoos for all the big celebrities. He started with Rihanna — he was her personal tattoo artist. He's done work on Justin Bieber and a bunch of athletes like Thierry Henry... he shared his stories in the book and I've always liked tattoos. I've got two.

And your favourite book of all time?
That would be Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. It described how these great people didn't just come about by luck, it fell into place for them at a young age by a snowball effect. They managed to find their way through things and through different situations. It was very, very interesting.

What historic world leader do you admire the most and why?
Nelson Mandela, for what he did in South Africa in bringing equality there, and what he meant to the world by standing up for what he believed.

What's your favourite sport to watch outside of tennis, and why?
I've always loved hockey. Being from Washington D.C., with the franchise championship droughts — even conference championship droughts — I've always been into hockey. My family is from Eastern Europe, hockey's been in our family. My brother and I have a huge passion for it.

Outside of your immediate family and a significant other, whom do you admire the most?
My coach, Dustin Taylor, just because of the way he's able to bring perspective into my life in a variety of ways. I think that's an incredible ability for a coach to have and I admire that.

My tennis career will be a success if I…
If I'm able to leave the sport knowing that I gave it my all, and that I put it all on the line. It's a cheesy answer, but it's something a lot of (pro players) truly believe.

After my tennis career, I want to…
Have a lot of money (laughs). I want to coach. I want to stay in the sport. It's what I've known my whole life. To be able to help others in tennis would be something special, something important.