International Weightlifting Federation — Anti-doping news RSS


WARNING Referring to our previous warnings we would like to reiterate this very important message concerning a new prohibited substance! The 2016 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods become effective as of the 1stJanuary 2016 and since this date a new substance called MILDRONATE (Meldonium) is considered as prohibited! The IWF Anti-Doping Commission would like to […]

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ADAMS maintenance

Dear ADAMS users, The installation of ADAMS 4.1.1 is scheduled for 1 March 2016 between 19:00 and 21:00 GMT in the ADAMS Production environment. Therefore, kindly note that the system (including the SMS service and Mobile App) will be unavailable during this period. For the content of release 4.1.1, please visit the link Thank […]

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IOC Statement on Zika

“You will be aware of the Zika virus and its development in the Americas, including in Brazil.  Brazil reported its first case in May 2015, and World Health Organisation (WHO) officials now estimate that 1.5 million people have been infected in the country. While most cases result in no symptoms (around 80 per cent), and […]

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WADA Partnership

The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has entered into a Partnership to Quality program with The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).  Mr. Tim Ricketts, Director, Standards and Harmonization, Mr. Stuart Kemp, Deputy Director, Standards and Harmonization and Ms. Natalie Mills International Federation Relations Manager visited the IWF’s Budapest office for a 2 day meeting on 3rd and […]

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WADA Talks

The World Anti-Doping Code requires its Signatories to implement, evaluate and monitor information, education, and prevention programs for doping free sport. The IWF considers the education as one of its top priorities. With the Good to know tab on our website and the numerous anti-doping seminars and circulars the IWF tries to give all the […]

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