Alert Shirt Makes You Feel Like You’re in the Game


What does it feel like to be on the field during the last two minutes of an NFL playoff game after battling through tackles and collisions? Well, a large majority of fans have no idea and can only imagine such an experience.

With the Alert Shirt, this experience could become reality for the average fan sitting on his or her couch. Wearable technology is the latest trend in both the fashion and technology worlds. Whether it be a smart watch, Google Glass, or the Alert Shirt, consumers are looking for more unique experiences. 

Using Bluetooth technology, the shirt, which is filled with sensors and monitors, connects to your smartphone. Those sensors and monitors attempt to make the person wearing the shirt feel like he or she is in the middle of the action on the field.

Right now, the shirt has been part of the promotional package for Fox Footy (Australian Rules Football) subscribers in Australia. Data about what happens during a match has already been collected. That data is then matched to data taken during training sessions, sent to the app, and then sent to the sensors in the shirt during a real-time game.

The shirt features more than replicating big hits or being tackled, as it also has a feature that simulates the feeling of nervousness before an important sequence. There is also a feature to make the wearer feel happy after successful plays like scoring.

Right now, the shirt is only available in Australia, but it could very well make its way into the United States, where NFL fans would have the opportunity to test it out.

It’s hard to tell how popular something like this will be. Do fans really want to know what it feels like to be tackled by a 300-pound lineman? Is the sudden feeling of butterflies or nervousness something you want to endure throughout a game? There is an adjustment setting to allow the user to tone down the intensity – a necessary feature to prevent users from feeling overwhelmed by the intensity level.

It’s hard to know exactly how well the shirt works at this point. There are no consumer reviews out there, so the only information we are getting is from the manufacturer. It will be interesting to see what users think of the experience of “feeling” the game.

Personally, I don’t know if I would enjoy constant vibrations while trying to watch a game. It probably depends on how you watch the game and how dedicated a fan you are. If you are the person who is constantly on the edge of the seat, screaming at the television, or jumping up and down, then this shirt could be an awesome addition to your game day experience. However, if you are like me and like to casually enjoy a game while also occasionally multitasking, this shirt may be a little bit too much.

Do you think you would enjoy owning a shirt like this for watching your NFL team? Why or why not? Connect with me on Twitter at @p_mcclellan and let me know what you think.