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Adding Some Tech to the NBA All-Star Festivities in New York

The NBA is adept at growing the sport of basketball, and it vows to continue to grow its international popularity through technology. But with the 64th NBA All-Star Game commencing in New York City this weekend, how can the NBA use technology to improve one of its biggest stages? “One of my goals as commissioner […]

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Alert Shirt Makes You Feel Like You’re in the Game

What does it feel like to be on the field during the last two minutes of an NFL playoff game after battling through tackles and collisions? Well, a large majority of fans have no idea and can only imagine such an experience. With the Alert Shirt, this experience could become reality for the average fan sitting on his or her couch. Wearable technology is the latest trend in both the fashion and technology worlds. Whether it be a smart watch, Google Glass, or the Alert Shirt, consumers are looking for more unique experiences. 

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