NCAA Final Four Intros Use Stylized Projected Videos

Approximately two hours before Villanova celebrated its second NCAA basketball championship in three years, its seemingly unstoppable starting lineup was introduced to a packed AlamoDome with an elaborate projection.

Featuring coach voiceovers, a digitized bracket that appears to fall through the floor, highlights from both teams’ paths to the championship, and the Final Four’s featured logos and slogans, like “The road ends here,” the video projections turned the hardwood into the silver screen for a few minutes while ‘Nova and Michigan lined up on court to welcome their starting five.

The productions were directed by freelance motion graphics designer Lauren Fisher, who touted the intros on Twitter.

About that surprise from the Championship Game Fisher references in her tweet? The Famous Group, an L.A.-based production company who produced the videos along with Quince Imaging, took care of advertising that one to its followers, but many more—although not too many more—saw the agency’s creation live on TBS.

The Famous Group has also created content for Madison Square Garden, the NBA’s Boston Celtics and Atlanta Hawks, and the NFL’s Minnesota Vikings.