Sailing Team Germany Worked With SAP To Create Sailing Analytics For The 2016 Rio Olympics

Just like any team in the sporting world, Sailing Team Germany (STG) was looking for a competitive advantage. After failing to medal at the London Olympics in 2012, they knew they needed to do something different. STG approached SAP with an idea on how to create that competitive advantage for their sailors. As a result, SAP Sailing Analytics was born.

The goal of SAP Sailing Analytics is to bring transparency to the world of sailing by using GPS and wind measurement data in real time. This improves the race experience for not just the sailors, but sailing fans as well. “We are a company that sees a lot of complexity and tries to simplify it and make it feel bearable and handleable for the average user using an SAP solution,” said Stefan Lacher, head of Global Sponsorship Innovations at SAP.

In the past, much of a sailor’s training and learning process was based strictly on feel while on the water. According to Lacher, they missed out on a lot of the facts and figures that are necessary in making decisions. To fix this, SAP created a virtual picture of sailing. “We started to put GPS trackers on the boats,” said Lacher. “We started to measure wind specifically, but also sometimes current and things like that.”

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For Marcus Baur, head of R&D for Sailing Team Germany, the most beneficial aspect of the sailing analytics was the fact that it removed ambiguity and made things concrete for the team. “All the situations that happen in a race get clouded by memory,” said Baur. “The fact that the boats are tracked accurately down to meters and you can recapture the boat’s movements is truly the most useful thing.”unnamed (9)

For any sport, whether it be sailing, baseball, football, etc., no athlete can be sure of what they’re doing right or wrong unless they visually see themselves doing it. “Sometimes you ask yourself, ‘Really? I was that slow today?’ and then you have a look at the data,” said Baur.

Baur says being able to see the bigger picture down to minute details like wind information that is gained from wind sensors is changing the way you talk about sailing by making it more fact based.

STG’s preparation for this summer’s Rio Olympics has been going on for a while now, and a large part of their prep has been figuring out the tide in Rio’s bay. With how large the bay is, there will always be a tide going in or out that the sailors will have to deal with. Before SAP’s help, the team had to make predictions about the tide intuitively by looking at a tidal map, something that has been around for decades. Now, Baur says, using the analytics, they’ve found that piece of the puzzle faster and better than before, which can make a large difference come race time in Rio.

A screenshot for the SAP Sailing Analytics (which went through the SAP Idea2Market product development process and is available as a service package)
A screenshot for the SAP Sailing Analytics (which went through the SAP Idea2Market product development process and is available as a service package)

Sailors aren’t the only ones benefiting from the SAP Sailing Analytics, the average spectator will also have a better idea of what’s going on during a race. “The real basic problem of a sport like sailing is your fans cannot be where you are,” said Lacher. As is similar in other sports like rowing, it’s hard to keep track of the competitors at a race because you might see your team for just 10 or 15 seconds and then never again for the remainder of that race. Lacher says that SAP Sailing Analytics will make a difference in this aspect because fans can follow what’s going on and see the rankings and who’s in the lead. The video below provides a good picture of what fans will be able to see while a race is going on.

Lacher realizes that there is a big opportunity for sailing to grow as there are some regattas in Germany which roughly 3.5 million people turn out to see. “It was about bringing the sport closer to the fans and actually growing the community around it,” said Lacher.

For Sailing Team Germany, the goal for Rio is to win two medals in the Olympics and two in the Paralympics. It’s a steep climb, but with the help of the innovations at SAP, it’s more than possible.