SportTechie — Olympics technology RSS

How Technology Will Factor Into 2028 Los Angeles Summer Olympics

Los Angeles is in a unique position to host the 2028 Summer Olympics, according to Casey Wasserman,  because of its seat in the capital of entertainment and technology in the United States. But with 11 years to prepare for the Games, what role will current and emerging technologies play? Wasserman, the founder and CEO of […]

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Revamped Olympic Athlete Hub Looks To Empower Olympians Like Never Before

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced on February 24th that they have revamped and redesigned the Olympic Athletes’ Hub in preparation for this summers’ Games in Rio. Get The Latest Sports Tech News In Your Inbox! The Olympic Athletes’ Hub started before the 2012 Summer Games in London; the idea was to create a one-stop shop […]

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An Early Data And Tech Preview Of The Rio 2016 Olympics

With the Rio Olympics Games being just around the corner, it’s time for us sport-crazed, data lovers to get our geek on! Want to know something about the 2016 Olympic Games? Chances are we’ll have a statistic for you here, so without further ado: Rio 2016 This is the first time in history that the […]

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