Ex-NFL star Marshawn Lynch teams up with Amazon to drive the Treasure Truck, autograph ‘Beast Mode’ Echo devices

Marshawn Lynch - Amazon Treasure Truck
Marshawn Lynch drives the Amazon Treasure Truck

The Treasure Truck is going Beast Mode.

Amazon’s deals-on-wheels truck has a cool offering for customers today with an extra special guest: former Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch.

Marshawn Lynch - Amazon Treasure Truck

Lynch, who spent six seasons in Seattle and helped the team win a Super Bowl in 2014, drove the Treasure Truck to CenturylinkLink Field today with throngs of Hawks fans looking on.

With hip-hop music blaring from his boom box and donning the blaze orange Amazon Treasure Truck parka, Lynch was signing autographs and handing out a Beast Mode-skinned Amazon Echo and Beast Mode Hat for $139.99. That’s $40 off the sticker price for Amazon’s popular voice-activated speaker.

Lynch was in a jovial mood, dancing and bobbing to his beats, signing Skittles packages for little kids and even getting in the face of one adult fan who tried to swipe some Skittles. He was also promoting his Beast Mode apparel store, whose Seattle location which is right around the corner near CenturyLink field.

Today’s promotion comes just a few days after Amazon released a new Alexa Skill that Echo owners can try out. It’s called “Marshawn Lynch’s BeastMode” and lets you speak commands like “Alexa, Ask BeastMode how was the game?” or “Alexa, Ask BeastMode what’s your favorite candy?” Alexa responds with Lynch’s voice — it’s pretty funny.

Beast Mode-skinned Amazon Echo and Beast Mode hat for sale at the Amazon Treasure Truck
Beast Mode-skinned Amazon Echo and Beast Mode hat for sale at the Amazon Treasure Truck

This is not the first time Amazon has partnered with Lynch. The retired NFL player unveiled a new online portal in April to sell his Beast Mode brand apparel, opening up a storefront on Amazon.com as part of the company’s “Exclusives” line.

Amazon also previously partnered with Lynch’s former teammate and current Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman, who helped make special Prime Now deliveries in Seattle last year.

Amazon’s Treasure Truck drives around Seattle with heavily-discounted items that people purchase via Amazon’s mobile app. It launched earlier this year and has sold everything from Thanksgiving turkeys to Harry Potter books.

Marshawn Lynch fist bumps a young Beast Mode fan
Marshawn Lynch fist bumps a young Beast Mode fan

It’s latest move by Jeff Bezos & Co. to expand beyond the company’s digital roots and into the physical world. As with the Amazon Bookstore, Amazon Fresh, Amazon Flex, and countless other Amazon inventions, the company’s hometown is serving as the test market for this project.

Marshawn Lynch - Amazon Treasure Truck Marshawn Lynch - Amazon Treasure Truck Marshawn Lynch - Amazon Treasure Truck Marshawn Lynch - Amazon Treasure Truck Marshawn Lynch - Amazon Treasure Truck