Sportblog | The Guardian — Bradley Wiggins RSS

Golden aura around marginal gains is beginning to look a little tarnished | Tim Lewis

Comfy mattresses and the proper washing of hands prove no match for extra-special shoesI don’t remember much about reading Bradley Wiggins’s last autobiography, his 16th I believe, but one detail has stayed with me. It was an incident from around 2011 or 2012 when, having shed six kilos, “Twiggo” started to be considered a serious contender for the Tour de France. When he left home to compete in the race, his preparations were so forensic that it was decided he should not lift his cases into the car taking him to the airport. Why risk an injury now after months of brutal training and near-starvation? Cath, the long‑suffering Mrs Wiggins, did the honours.Looking back, this was perhaps the period when...

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