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Grace in current adversity may be the truest measure of Lewis Hamilton yet | Giles Richards

The world champion is exhibiting the finest of qualities as he faces perhaps the greatest challenge of his Formula One careerThe measure of a man, it is said, may be judged by his handling of adversity. The greats dig deep, weather the slings and arrows and emerge, beaten or victorious, with head held high. For Lewis Hamilton facing perhaps the greatest challenge of his Formula One career, the test has come with the world champion better suited than ever to prove he is not only a great competitor but a true sportsman.Hamilton goes into this weekend’s British Grand Prix having taken a pummelling from Red Bull’s Max Verstappen for five consecutive races. He was once more beaten by Verstappen in...

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Silverstone shows its class with a little help from sensible stewarding | Giles Richards

The track drew praise from several drivers after Sunday’s British GP for encouraging competitive racing and it also benefited from the stewards allowing hard but fair racingWith the signing of a new contract to host F1 for a further five years there was a celebratory air at Silverstone. That F1 had done the right thing was confirmed in spades on Sunday, when the old airfield delivered a marvellous race. The drivers revelled in it and the opportunity for genuine racing it affords. F1’s problems in following closely have not gone away but they are negated on good tracks. Silverstone’s layout encourages a fight and several of the corner sequences give drivers the chance to come back during an attempted pass...

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Fervour of F1 fans shows British Grand Prix remains true to its roots | Yassmin Abdel-Magied

Silverstone is as British as it gets, but Formula One cannot escape the divisions gripping its homelandIs there anything more quintessentially British than the Grand Prix at Silverstone? A petrol-fuelled romp in the heart of the Midlands couched among country lanes and English villages, the 52-lap race is an unmissable fixture in the sporting summer. This weekend delivered excitement, nostalgia and glory, all wrapped in a neat carbon‑shaped package.The 10th round of the Formula One world championship faced stiff competition this year, with both Wimbledon and the Cricket World Cup scheduled for the same Sunday. Such clash of commitments suggests that major sporting event planners should coordinate timetables; if not for viewing numbers, at least to ease the FOMO (fear...

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