Héritier Lumumba made us feel uncomfortable, and from that we have much to learn | Jonathan Horn
His issues with Collingwood and Nathan Buckley seem unresolvable but there are other voices emergingIn football, the dogs bark, and the caravan moves on. There’s always next week. There’s always a new hero, a new villain, a new outrage. For years, Collingwood hoped, or assumed, that Héritier Lumumba would simply go away. He was living on the other side of the world. Most of the major players in the controversy were no longer at the club. Collingwood had positioned itself as a more progressive organisation.Indeed, for years, every time Lumumba would air his grievances, my flinch reaction was always the same: Heritier, you need to let this go. This has been going on for nearly a decade now. Collingwood did...